IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019
IndieWebCamp Utrecht 2019 is 18-19 May 2019, the first IndieWebCamp in Utrecht!
The importance of owning your data is getting more awareness every year. But there is still a lot of work to do to help people to understand what the IndieWeb is and “owning your data” actually means at all. Besides the growth, there is also the need to start building bridges to other areas of interest where the IndieWeb principles can be of importance. To start connecting, building bridges, find the others and to help people getting started, we're meeting for a bar-camp like collaboration in Utrecht for two days of brainstorming, working, collaborating, teaching, helping and much more.
- When: through at
- Where: Office of Shoppagina.nl, Kanaalweg 14-L, 3526 KL Utrecht (OSM)
- Site: https://indiewebcamp.nl
- Wiki: https://indieweb.org/2019/Utrecht
- Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indiewebcamp-utrecht-tickets-60457184065
- Cost: Free. (Participants must provide their own travel, lodging, food)
Food and drinks: We are looking for sponsors!
See Planning for latest planning details and progress.
- Registration: Please register here, we need numbers for food and drinks
All participants must agree to:
Please also consider:
Questions about attending and participating?
- Learn more: Attending IndieWebCamp
- And please ask in chat! (also available via IRC or Slack)
- Or ask the organizers directly
Frank Meeuwsen and
Ton Zijlstra
Explore who else is coming (first names and website)
- Sebastiaan [1]
- Rosemary [2]
- Sven [3]
- Jeremy [4]
- Neil [5]
- Martijn [6]
- Ewout [7]
- Björn [8]
- Harold [9]
- Dylan [10]
- Frank [11]
- Robert [12]
- Djoerd [13]
- Elmine [14]
- Romy [15]
- Ton [16]
Pre-IWC Meetup and small dinner on Fridaynight May 17th. Please add your name below if you want to join.
Frank Meeuwsen
Ton Zijlstra
Rosemary Orchard
- Sven Knebel
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Jeremy Cherfas
Neil Mather
Martijn van der Ven (arriving at AMS 18:15, see how it goes)
- Ewout Wolff
We have a 19:30 reservation at restaurant Kantien, Ravellaan 96 Utrecht (OpenStreetMap). You can get there by bike, walking or tram.
We might also visit Awesome Space afterwards for some retrogaming and arcadefun?
Day 1: Discussions | Day 2: Hacking | |
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Individual Session wiki pages
Venue sponsor

Shoppagina, Shoppagina is providing the venue during the two days.
With Shoppagina you can create and start your webshop in 5 minutes. You create your own online shop with live previews of various templates to add your products. You can fulfill the complete order from the Shoppagina CMS.
Become a sponsor?
We are currently looking for lunch sponsors for this event.
- Organizers:
Frank Meeuwsen,
Ton Zijlstra
- Want to help out?
- Contact an organizer or sign-up to Volunteer below!
- Check the Volunteer tasklist below to see if there's something you can help out with.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- Djoerd Hiemstra
Volunteer tasks: (feel free to grab one and put it next to your name in the list above!)
- setting up the stickers / pins / name badges table (and checking it regularly)
- setting up the session grid rows and columns in a good spot (see 2018/Düsseldorf as an example)
- help out with lunch set up
Questions for Organizers
Add your questions and requests below
- ...
Put suggestions for IndieWebCamp Utrecht here.
- Note to self: Bring plenty of stroopwafels for our overseas visitors. 😆
Adjacent Events
- 04-05 May: IndieWebCamp Berlin
- 11-12 May: IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf
Blog Posts
- 2019-05-18 : IndieWebCamp Utrecht, Day 1: Readers, Discovery, Federated Search and More (archived)
- 2019-05-19 : #IndieWebCamp Utrecht, Day 2: Hack Your Web! (archived)
- 2019-05-21 : IndieWebCamp Utrecht (archived)
- 2019-05-24 : IWC Utrecht & a trip to Holland (archived)