Create Day July 2022 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2022-07-31.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2022-07-31
IndieWeb Create Day July
When: 2022-07-31 09:00-17:00 Pacific
Tracy Durnell
David Somers [omz13]
Mark Sutherland
Tantek Çelik
Marty McGuire
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Angelo Gladding: fix indieauth sign-in to imoxia toolbox
David Shanske: Refactor/streamline/test Simple Location WordPress Plugin
Jacob Hall finish database redesign (whostyle demo I was talking about https://jacobhall.net/whostyle-iframe-test.html)
Kevin Marks try to show inbound and outbound links in a memex like way.
Tantek Çelik wants to get his photo grid working again
Marty McGuire wants to document his IndieAuth server implementation
Tracy Durnell is building a new website and re-learning how to write html and css
- Maxwell Joslyn i haven't upgraded any of my site code in more than a year ... now that i have to do most of my writing with a voice app on my phone, I could reallllly use micropub.
David Somers [omz13] add authorized application keys UI into toolbox; probably only time today to add the backend API as its in an secure enclave
Mark Sutherland optimize images on upload to their site
capjamesg explore flight posts on their website
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/401 -- "This status code is similar to the 403 Forbidden status code, except that in situations resulting in this status code, user authentication can allow access to the resource."
- This came up in discussing whether an IndieAuth client_id URL response should still be processed when the response is a 4xx. (401 vs 403 in particular)
- Discussion of one server implementing several IndieWeb building blocks together reminded
Marty McGuire of http://www.flong.com/archive/projects/free-universal-construction-kit/index.html
- trust.txt is https://journallist.net/reference-document-for-trust-txt-specifications
- example site: coloradopressassociation.com (in toolbox, under trust discovery, just provide the domain name for the query)
- IndieWeb-utils: representative h-card - https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/blob/6d52d30d164515886099019858d56b85e301a6c1/src/indieweb_utils/posts/representative_h_card.py
- Example object returned by indieweb-utils: https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-utils/blob/main/src/indieweb_utils/webmentions/send.py#L10
- James' first flight map: https://jamesg.blog/flights/EDI-CIA-25-08-2022/
- https://aaronparecki.com/2017/01/02/6/day-13-curved-map-lines
- https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=34.115426&lon=-118.162950&zoom=18&addressdetails=1
- TLD list: https://data.iana.org/TLD/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
- with availability info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains
interesting home listings
- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/630-Riverside-Dr-SE-Saint-Cloud-MN-56304/2207800_zpid/
- https://photos.zillowstatic.com/fp/736f9fc3dddfcd62145ead5d822ba326-uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152.webp
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/90647923#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/123535703#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/122603054#/?channel=RES_BUY
- https://www.countrylife.co.uk/property/an-800-year-old-home-for-sale-that-comes-with-a-medieval-hall-maze-and-possibly-even-a-ghost-220376
- Another Castle - this is the one with 7 dungeons (they relablled them as cellars) https://www.onthemarket.com/details/1624227/
- This is the style that a lot of those UK houses were aiming for and missing https://inigo.com/almanac/a-place-like-no-other-david-parr-house-cambridge
- https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/545-547-Buena-Vista-Ave-W-San-Francisco-CA-94117/2062380889_zpid/
- https://chronotrains-eu.vercel.app/
- https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/1553448958244044800?s=20&t=B8ldrunX7DZv2uv4ZrEKvA
- https://github.com/nuclearsecrecy/Leaflet.greatCircle
Angelo Gladding: [1]
- HTTP Cats: https://http.cat/
example short note posts
In particular for resigning or declining:
composite streams
e.g. recently mentioned: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-07-26#t1658859007352500
Examples (of composite streams)
- https://tantek.com/ (home page)
- https://marksuth.dev/stream (WIP)
- https://jacobhall.net/few (there is also /all and /many) list of articles: https://jacobhall.net/articles
- a good example: https://adactio.com/
- https://jacobhall.net/2020/taking-notes-latex/
display people icons
Should you always display the full resolution icons of people of posts you reply to? e.g. in the reply-context?
People should be able to consent to their photos and other content being shared on other sites. If my site receives a webmention from your site, I should conservatively not re-host your content (e.g. your photo) unless you have given me explicit permission. ...but, how is best to give permission? Should consent be given in the process of sending a webmention, or should the content be marked up with licenses?
See: https://sebastiangreger.net/2018/05/indieweb-privacy-challenge-webmentions-backfeeds-gdpr/
- Specifically the section: The initial solution: anonymizing “not intentionally submitted” feedback
- backfeed is one of the primary use-cases of this, where people replying/liking/reposting have no idea that they will show up on another website
things built
- /fta link — use-case: txting a link to someone so they can call me via FaceTime Audio (using my own domain as my identity, not a phone number)
- tools to debug my home page but not *at* my home page in production, e.g. an /index-new (not a real path) instead of having to live deploy/test at my main home page at /.
- fixed my home page photo grid! and added a bunch more testing, staging, and debugging capabilities for my home page and composite stream
- updated home page events listing!
Tracy Durnell
- researched land acknowledgments and created a wiki page https://indieweb.org/land_acknowledgment
- resolved DNS issue with subdomain
- created one-page unstyled webpage ;)
Kevin Marks
- thinking about a wider screen reading experience showing inbound and outbound connections
- Example at https://www.kevinmarks.com/memex.html
- somewhat like https://edwardtufte.github.io/tufte-css/ and http://fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors/view/about-federated-wiki, but ideally mroe dynamic and using webmention
Jacob Hall
- Here is my work-in-progress design https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Rdz1_udV0ijyLXYXpc-WSz_y_vUYggKWEpCgUyERvJ0/edit#slide=id.gfc625f989b_0_4
- I completed the code that will upgrade my database from the old design to the new. Made good progress on the code to transfer content
David Shanske
David Shanske - Worked on SImple Location improvements
- Split Elevation calculation from reverse geocoding.
- Introduce Structure for Venue Provider to integrate places/venue APIs
- Refactor provider classes to make them more modular and prepare for new config plans
- Fixed some very subtle bugs in the code
- Move API keys to separate page hidden, and add show button.
Angelo Gladding
- fixed indieauth sign-in to imoxia toolbox
- redirect HTTP -> HTTPS via 308
- got composite stream on homepage consisting of (notes, rsvps, photos)
- combination media upload + photo post via iOS shortcuts
- added 400 users (and their posts) to indieweb.rocks directory
Marty McGuire
- Published the app: https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/belding#README
- Blog post is here: https://martymcgui.re/2022/07/31/switching-costs-for-an-indieauth-server/
- (Still need to go through and update the wiki.)