Create Day July 2021 was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp held on 2021-07-10.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2021-07-10
capjamesg - jamesg.blog
David Shanske
Kevin Marks
Tracy Durnell
capjamesg is improving his blog search engine at https://search.jamesg.blog (but is in the UK so most / all work is not happening on call)
Aaron Parecki is building an IndieAuth Ticket Auth implementation
Martijn van der Ven is adding data to his homepage that will only show when a Bearer token is provided from the ticket auth.
- Finished and live: when using a valid Bearer token the URL of the "logged in" user shows at the top of the page, and the visitor is given a preview of the future profile photo.
Tracy Durnell is designing a mushroom mascot and working on the 2021/homepage proposed update.
Astrid Yu is continuing her sweeping rewrite of her website.
David Shanske
- Abstracted out the external token store and enhanced it to expire or refresh old tokens if an expiry is set.
- Fixed error messages based on other people testing.