IndieWebCamp Create Day 2020 was an online IndieWebCamp . It was welcome to attendees of all timezones, but the Zoom was based on Pacific Time Zone hours in the Americas based on advance RSVPs.
Create Day was one day of meeting up online to share ideas, create & improve personal websites, and build upon each other's creations. Whether you’re a blogger, coder, designer, or just someone who wants to improve their presence on the web, there is something for you here.
All skill, ability, and experience levels welcome.
Own your data. We should all own the content we're creating, rather than just posting to third-party content silos.
Publish on your own domain, and syndicate to social media.
Be a part of advancing & growing the open independent web.
Tickets / RSVP
Main article: 2020/Create/Notes
- Please read through our Code of Conduct
- Code of conduct violations or problems can be reported to east@indieweb.org and will be treated confidentially.
- Never attended a camp before? See Attending IndieWebCamp for what to expect and maybe do some pre-camp set up to make your real time attendance less stressful. (See the Pre-Event section above for a possible online walk through to familiarize yourself with our tools, ask questions and get ready before the day of camp.)
- IndieWebCamp has a strong tradition of remote participation, typically using chat, Zoom and Etherpad during as well as after the event. More details and links for remote participation will be posted here on the days of the event. Also feel free to join us on chat to get realtime updates and conversation before, during, and after the camp. (Direct web chat link here.)
Remote Participation
- Zoom We kept a Zoom open from 9AM-5PM Pacific time(based on the timezone of the majority of attendees) for people to create together. This was not recorded.
- Etherpad - We had an etherpad for organization, a project list, and brainstorming on the day of the event. These were archived to the wiki at 2020/Create/Notes
- IndieWeb chat - there are a variety of methods/ways to access the various chat channels on the wiki.
David Shanske (GWG in chat)
Posts about IndieWebCamp Create Day:
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Create Day
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We welcome individuals, organizations, and companies that would like to help sponsor our volunteer-driven camps. For more details, see: How to sponsor IndieWebCamp