From IndieWeb

Grid of avatars of past IndieWebCamp participants

IndieWeb Summit 2016 was 2016-06-03 through 2016-06-05 in Portland, Oregon; the sixth annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, from graphic artists, to designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, actively work on creating for their own personal websites, and build upon each others creations.

IndieWeb Summit

One of several IndieWebCamp events in 2016.

Own your data.

We should all own the content we're creating, rather than just posting to third-party content silos. Publish on your own domain, and syndicate out to silos.

Join us for two days of brainstorming & creating at IndieWeb Summit and be a part of advancing & growing the indie web.


Add yourself:

Optionally, in addition:

  • Projects List - add yourself and what projects you’re working on!

Other URL(s) (for convenience only)


Main article: 2016/Schedule

2016-06-03 (Friday) through 2016-06-05 (Sunday)

Day 0 Pre-Summit Meetup & Organizers Summit Day 1 Keynotes & Discussions Day 2 Create, Hack, Demo!
Day 0 has a drinkup / snackup the night before IndieWeb Summit. Informal social meetup for IndieWeb Summit participants to catch up and get to know each other before the summit Day 1 starts with keynotes, including major milestones, accomplishments in the past year, and demos, then BarCamp-style brainstorming and discussion sessions Day 2 make things on and for your personal site! Collaborate with others or work on your own to improve at least one thing on your personal site, no matter how small or how epic.

12:00 Organizers* Summit (OS) start & intros
13:00 OS Sessions
17:00 OS Wrap-up
19:00 All: Pre-Summit Meetup!

08:30 Organizer setup
09:00 Doors open, badges, coffee, and breakfast!
09:30 State of the IndieWeb
09:45 From What Works To The Cutting Edge
10:30 Q&A and break
11:00 IndieWeb Building Blocks
12:00 Group photo & Lunch
13:00 Intros, demos, scheduling
14:00 Sessions (45min)
16:15 Last session
17:00 Day 1 closing session, break, meetup later for dinner

08:30 Organizer setup
09:00 Doors open, badges, coffee, and breakfast!
09:30 IndieWeb Creating: Open source, design, research
10:00 Day 2 session scheduling
10:30 Creating sessions
12:00 Catered lunch
13:00 Creating sessions continue
16:00 Demos
17:30 Closing Keynote

Past IndieWeb Summits

Though this is our first explicitly named "Summit", every year since the founding of IndieWebCamp we have held one "main" IndieWebCamp in Portland, recently with additional simultaneously participating cities.

Want to know what will happen at IndieWeb Summit? Check out our previous main IndieWebCamps:


Remote Participation

IndieWebCamp has a strong tradition of remote participation, typically using IRC, Google Hangouts and Etherpad during as well as after the event.

If you can't get to the Portland event, consider remote participating or finding/running an IndieWebCamp remote party near you.

Google Hangout / Livestream (audio/video) https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/jl4lr54y4jdr5hpjkwvedt74mqe

Indieweb Remote Parties:

  • ...


An anonymous donor has offered to assist individuals from underrepresented groups with travel and/or lodging costs for the Indieweb Summit in Portland[1]. For more information, please email Aaron Parecki.

Travel & Lodging

Public Transit

If you are flying in to the PDX airport, the MAX will drop you off downtown a few blocks from the venue. It costs $2.50 for a ticket. Public Transit directions

Lyft / Uber

You can also take Lyft or Uber from the airport, they will pick you up in the lower level, in a section named "Transportation Network Companies." The cost will be about $18-22 for UberX. More info on the Uber blog.


If you want to take a local cab, Aaron recommends calling Radio Cab (503-227-1212) when you are just outside security, and they will meet you in the lower level for pickup. Alternately, there is usually a line of cabs ready to take people in the lower level.


Here are a few nearby recommended hotels:

AirBnB / Couchsurfing

Some alternatives to hotels are AirBnB and Couchsurfing.


See buttons and put one on your blog/site sidebar for IndieWeb Summit!



Remote Participants on Saturday


Blog and post about IndieWebCamp. See what others are posting: http://tagboard.com/indiewebcamp


Your organizers for IndieWeb Summit 2016:

If you'd like to help out, join IRC, and check out the Planning page!

Help Out


NLNet Foundation

NLNet Foundation supports organizations and people that contribute to an open information society, and protects users and developers against software patents.






Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed as a service. Bridgy sends webmentions for comments, likes, etc. on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram.


Vadio is graciously hosting the 2016 event in Portland.


See Also

2024 BrightonDüsseldorfPortlandBerlinSan DiegoPlanning More Camps & Popups • …
Build a Website in an Hour March (P)
2023 NurembergSan Diego
Create Day November (O)CreateFest December (O)
Multi-Lingual Personal Websites (P)Build a Website in an Hour July (P)Build a Website in an Hour September (P)
2022 DüsseldorfBerlin
Create Day March (O)July (O)September (O)December (O)
Analog Meets Online (P)Personal Libraries (P)How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable (P)
2021 Düsseldorf
Create Day July (O)October (O)December (O)
Respectful Responses (P)Webmentions Beyond Webmention.io (P) • Very Sensitive Data (P)Microsub (P)IndieAuth (P)Gardens and Streams II (P)IndieAuth 2 (P)
2020 Austin
Online London (O)West (O)East (O)Create Day (O)
Garden & Stream (P)Micropub (P)IndieAuth (P)Get Started with WP (P)microformats2 (P)Friendly WP Themes (P)
2019 AustinNew HavenBerlinDüsseldorfUtrecht9th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)AmsterdamOxfordNYCBrightonBerlin2SF
2018 BaltimoreDüsseldorf8th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)SFOxfordNYCNürnbergBerlin
2017 BellinghamDüsseldorfNürnberg7th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)IstanbulNYCBerlinAustin
2016 NYCMITNürnbergDüsseldorf6th IndieWeb Summit (Portland)NYC2BrightonLA (Santa Monica)BerlinMIT2
2015 Cambridge MAGermany (Düsseldorf)Portland & Brighton (5th Summit) • EdinburghMITSF
2014 SFNYCPortland/NYC/Berlin (4th Summit)UK (Brighton)Cambridge MAOnline
2013 Portland (3rd Summit)UK (Brighton)Hollywood
2012 Portland (2nd Summit)UK (Brighton)
2011 Portland (Summit)