IndieWeb CreateFest was a one-day virtual IndieWebCamp Create Day held on 2023-12-25.
- Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IWCCreateDay-2023-12-25
David Shanske
Sara Jakša
Jacky Alciné
Angelo Gladding
Pablo Morales
Tracy Durnell
Al Abut
gRegor Morrill
David Shanske
- Fix microformats markup issues highlighted by
Angelo Gladding
- Work on the WordPress Micropub plugin
- Fix microformats markup issues highlighted by
Sara Jakša
- Work on IndieWeb Carnival Post - done: https://sarajaksa.eu/2023/12/indieweb-carnival-and-carnival-of-aros-december-2023-my-holidays/
- Finish the movie project and write the blog post about it
- Link to the project - done: https://sarajaksa.eu/projects/indieweb-movies/
- Blog post about it - done: https://sarajaksa.eu//2023/12/what-movies-do-indieweb-people-watch-project-proof-of-concept/
- Add the delay in the webmention sending (when sending the webmentions just now, I got back multiple HTTP 429) - done: https://github.com/sarajaksa/api-scripts/commit/56542068e26194d5ce8a206a4022891b3b4cb30a
- Work on the End of Year Reading Analysis Script
Jacky Alciné - Working on blog post about Sele's approach to IndieAuth
Tracy Durnell - working through my wishlist https://tracydurnell.com/website-wishlist/
- delayed RSS feed a few minutes after posting (https://www.isitwp.com/delay-rss-feed/)
- added favicons to blogroll (https://tracydurnell.com/blogroll/)
Pablo Morales experimenting with json on php to display books I own. I will use it to post items such as music, art, etc. work smarter not harder.
- indieauth plugin for Faten's from (finally)
- https://lifeofpablo.com/items
James says hello and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!
James has not made anything for his website today, but did publish the Bonus posts in his Advent of Technical Writinf series earlier today.
David Shanske does a watch with a rating - https://david.shanske.com/2023/12/24/7437/
Al Abut is just chilling with editing photos on the iPad
- Should have pics from IWC San Diego processed this week.
- Could possible be interesting to blog about why I'm using a 20-year old vintage digital camera and the pipeline to edit.
- https://cascadiainspired.com/creative-bucket-list/ - static page with dated updates
sci-fi discussion
custom designs per post/page scroll
- http://aegir.org/ - custom styling on each post
- https://www.kickscondor.com/ - look changes as you scroll down the page
- Tracy added favicons in her blogroll https://tracydurnell.com/blogroll/
- Used duckduckgo service + Excel to build a list of links: https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/ + [domain] + .ico
- maybe more info: https://duckduckgo.com/duckduckgo-help-pages/privacy/favicons/
- inspired by https://www.zinzy.website/blogroll
- some info about sourcing favicons https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/2021/displaying-favicons-for-any-domain/
- Al Abut: went through photos, two albums, one for phone stuff and one for Nikon pics
- phone photos are jpeg native
- Nikon has jpeg and raw format
- edited some photos from 2023/SD in Lightroom
- mentioned to Al how I use granary to convert microformats2 into Atom, makes it easier than managing Atom feeds myself. Example with my notes feed: https://gregorlove.com/notes.atom which redirects to granary, which is converting directly from the HTML microformats2 https://gregorlove.com/notes/
David Shanske was working on trying to fix Micropub WordPress plugin issues. Pending feedback.
- Updated Location plugin so can filter by location and then only see venues in that area, otherwise venue list is really long.
- WordPress Webmention plugin now stores a copy of the avatar, previously were hotlinked, so older posts have missing avatars with the default generic avatar.
- Fixed markup on homepage
Customizing wiki:
- Example: User:Gregorlove.com/vector.css
- Discussion: MediaWiki_customizations#Wiki_is_unusable_on_mobile
Angelo Gladding worked on adding the u-url in the sidebar of posts: https://ragt.ag/2023/12/25/a3
private vs protected vs ?
- Micropub visibility discussion: https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/11
Pablo worked on IndieAuth for Datenstrom
Sara: worked on the IndieWeb Movie Project and wrote about it.
- https://sarajaksa.eu/2023/12/what-movies-do-indieweb-people-watch-project-proof-of-concept/
- Shows a network of movies that different indieweb people have in common
- Shows stats about movies like countries watched in, and an overview page with movie posters
indiebookclub format if you want to scrape books:
Good example of watched list without microformats: https://www.jeremycherfas.net/watched-2020
Upcoming Events and Planning
Micropub popup end of January 2024? pop-up#Micropub