Build a Website in an Hour was an IndieWebCamp pop-up held on Zoom 2023-07-29.
Welcome to the "Build a Website in an Hour" event! In this event, you are challenged to create a website from scratch in an hour. At the start of the meeting, we will do a round of introductions, then we will put one hour on the clock in which we can all build a website.
Use this time as an opportunity to exercise your creativity muscles. Build whatever interests you!
You can use whatever technologies (and frameworks) you want, but you cannot work on an existing project. You have to start from scratch and build what you make in the hour. You can re-use work from projects you have made before.
You don't have to write any code! We encourage you to use a tool like WordPress,, or another website builder if you want to set up a website without code.
After the hour is up, we will share what we have built with each other. Everyone will have a few minutes to present their website. The exact time will vary depending on how many participants we have.
Don't have an idea yet? Here are a few to help inspire you:
- Create a blog
- Build a web page on a topic you are passionate about
- Create instructions on how to do something (make a cake, build a website)
- Make a game with JavaScript
- Create an animation with CSS
- Create a tool for displaying microformats data on a page
Need help getting started? Here are a few resources to help you out:
- Blank IndieWeb website:
- Wordpress:
- IndieWeb wiki: (good for reference if you know what you are looking for)
- add anything else here you think will help someone else!
- Evan Hahn (
Sara Jakša
David Shanske
Yousef Amar
Angelo Gladding
- ... add names
- Evan Hahn's project: PNG Chunk Editor
- James' project: I, Spy
- guessing game
- website: not online yet!
- source:
- Mark's project: IndiePass blog
- Local server using Herd
- website: perhaps coming this weekend!
- GWG's project: XLT Single Rider
- website:
- Angelo's project: Play audio offline via the web
- Patrick's project: Camera feed processing
- Jo's project: Bookmarks page
- website:
- Sara's project: Exploring fan fiction content on personal website
- Yousef's Gemini server:
- add notes...