
From IndieWeb

IndieWeb Futures

IndieWeb Futures was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2019.

Video: โ–ถ๏ธ 48:04s

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indiewebfutures

IndieWeb Summit 2019
Session: IndieWeb Futures
When: 2019-06-29 17:05



  1. Think about โ€œemerging signals of changeโ€ in our groups. Exploring possible futures for IndieWeb. Using those possible futures to reflect on the present.
    • STEEPV (Social, Technological, Environmental, Economic, Political, Values)
  2. cluster these signals as they seem related. pick 3 of these signals from the various clusters.
  3. Assign your team one of these โ€œFour Futuresโ€:
    • Growth (status quo basQAQically continues)
    • Collapse (good or bad!)
    • Discpline (chosen vs imposed)
    • Transformation (profound historical change as occurred)
  4. Looking at the three signals of change chosen in #2, applied to these different types of futures, brainstorm 5-7 primary implications of that future and then pick 2 or 3 of those and generate 5-7 secondary implications (of the implications).

Headlines from the Future


  • Surveillance capitalism runs rampant as big tech becomes pseudo governments
  • Facebook police capture public enemy number 1, notorious indie web hacker; huge trove of illegal cash confiscated
  • Indie Web made illegal, facebook cites unprofitability


  • Collapse of capitalism leads to hyperlocal smaller collaborative societies
  • The long now clock finally unveiled
  • Sally's cat pooped on your roof

Growth: arc of history bends toward justice

  • Gazion: send money to performers in real time just by looking at them: buionic contact lenses allow you to visually send money with your own eyes
  • Wealth gap eliminated thanks to government anti-bias program
  • heads of equifax and axiom jailed for flagrant violations of data sovereignty act

Transformation: protecting against abuse

  • median life expectancy hits record high
  • local economies support mental health


Implications of all the little things we're all building on the future in big ways

Note: discuss this at IndieWeb Summit 2050.

See Also