IndieWeb For Newbies R&D Project was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2023.
- Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indienewbies
Al Abut (facilitator)
Joe Crawford
Anthony Ciccarello
David Shanske
Angelo Gladding
Tantek Γelik
gRegor Morrill
- IndieWeb For Newbies R&D Project, #indienewbies, Al
- James likes this :) - And Pete :) And Joe :) and Sara and Tantek and Angelo and Isaac and
Anthony Ciccarello
- James likes this :) - And Pete :) And Joe :) and Sara and Tantek and Angelo and Isaac and
- Al's thoughts: how to wrap your head about IndieWeb
- Goal: blog an explanation of an indiewebcamp
- What is IndieWeb?
- What does Loqi / the wiki say?
- "The IndieWeb is a community of independent & personal websites connected by simple standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain & using it as your primary identity, publishing on your own site (optionally syndicating elsewhere), and owning your data indieweb"
- What does Loqi / the wiki say?
- Why is the indieweb?
- why
- personal web? artisanal?
- Wikipedia solves for the density problem by structured guidelines about the first sentence in any article
- Obstructions
- "I am not technical enough"
- I am not a developer
- Newbie to advanced?
- How user friendly is the onboarding?
- With Twitter diminishing and Mastodon ascendent more potential interest
- Joe: talked to his cousin about their non-commercial web interests, tried explaining it in a more "normie friendly" way
- Goal is not to dumb down the wiki
- Should ecompass the changing nature of user needs over time, 10 years ago maybe people were leaving FB, later IG, later Twitter
- Aside, Added a redirect from /wiki/indieweb to IndieWeb in Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Indieweb&redirect=no
- Joe: finds himself flailing trying to describe IW; would like a single paragraph as an elevator pitch
- Tantek: three points on IW page are solid; challenge is that the reasons people are looking change over time.
- 10 years ago - someone might want to get off FB
- 5 years - get off IG
- this year - get off Twitter
- meta challenge = reasons change over time
- David: "the perception that we're a community of developers is a constant misconception"
- The wiki could have simpler pages but would need to have clearer distinction of beginner friendly pages they should look at
- Tantek: builders that are users (see eat your own cooking)
- Gregor: eat your own cooking (lol)
- Indieweb intro video?
- "what is the indieweb to you?"
- 60 second trailer to feature different people; emotive, narrative, friendly and welcoming
- capture the vibe of the zoom hangout sessions in a way that scales in an async way
- photos on the home page?
- Showcasing a human touch
- artisinal made by a real person
Does the IndieWeb have a blog?
- https://stream.indieweb.org/
- Should it be linked to or discoverable from the home page?
Maybe home page could show a live more recent photo near the top to show that the IndieWeb is people
- most recent HWC photos (e.g. that were in the latest newsletter)
- most recent IWC photo
- Most recent event photo won't always be the most inclusive representation and may give a bad impression
- Iterate on improving which links are highlighted for new people to check out
- Al: I can't be alone in that "I found my tribe" feeling
- The social motivation for indieweb is something yet to be tapped
- Tantek: putting pictures of people can also backfire; can make the society look more homogeneous or less welcoming than intended
- text is "neutral" in the identity sense, makes it more about the ideas and principles
- ok with discouraging negative people
- Joe:
- Goal is to be maximally inviting and minimally discouraging
- Sounds like a marketing effort
- Al: I'd call that "storytelling"
- Home page has always been hotly contested
- Can we create a standalone page? That we all can update.
Tantek: You can't get it wrong, when it comes to your own blog posts, you own what you say
Tantek: Wordpress can help with hosting, but people go down the road of creating their own blog end up with an island, no broken social
- list the steps to indieweb plugin
- David's offering his help with the #wordpress channel discuss#wordpress
- wordpress outreach club
- micro.blog has social right out of the box, indieweb features are built in - short answer
Related Work
- Existing pages
- Getting_Started
- Calum's IndieWeb Guide minisite: https://indiewebguides.org/
- IndieWebify.Me
David Shanske this might be useful: Building Blocks maybe? How about this to start? 2018/Baltimore/Building_Blocks#Domain_Name
- This might be too... https://archive.org/details/myfirstindiewebcamp-iwc-berlin2-2019
- [https://tspace.library.utoronto.ca/bitstream/1807/104867/2/Jamieson_Jack_Robert%20George_202103_PhD_thesis.pdf%7CIndependent Together: Building and Maintaining Values in a
Distributed Web Infrastructure]