Non-technical collaboration on the internet was a session at IndieWebCamp Berlin 2024.
- Watch: βΆοΈ 27:06
- The session is about how we could collaborate - how we can write a post together or write a document together in the eatherpad. The other side are also carnivals and other events, that make people collaborate. We are planning to talk about any type of collaboration.
- It is important to agree about what to do and when
- Collaboration - in real time (James's post) or async (carnival). This is a spectriom about where we want to be. It can also happen spontanious by replying to the post. Or like buling with the lego and each person adds one element. Also like the writting, each contribute one HTML element or the paragraph.
- You could have the way to see who contributed what - like in Etherpad. One could also do it multuimedia, like adding a CSS (even reversing the whole page)
- Reddit: April 1th thing, where each person get one pixel and some people work together to make a picture.
- This could also work, because the contribution is limited and we have to trust that it will work
- Sven have a box people can click on and the people can see the current state and change it
- https://www.svenknebel.de/posts/
- The idea was copied from Aaron, which also includes the history, with also the country of the participating people https://aaronparecki.com/grid
- The newspaper page, where people could add the blocks to it
- Like the magazine, where people can contribute on the topic and the editor chooses the contributions
- People make different things even on the same theme, even with the medium limitation
- Like the magazine, where people can contribute on the topic and the editor chooses the contributions
- We could collaborate like in a zine, without the editor
- We don't have the make the barriers black and white, we can collaborate by changing each other posts or our posts based on other ones
- Ideas for the collaboration:
- Photo albums
- http://www.mrwong.de/myhouse/
- It is important what is the editing experience
- It is hard to delete in the IndieWeb wiki, because it is autoritive
- Could we make it more like a choose your own adventure
- You are each a character and then we change character every 5 minutes
- People can take the idea in the different direction, that you did not expected
- Choose the own adventure can work well for this
- People are doing the roleplaying days - people did them on the forums, we could do it on blogs
- How to do the fair dice role
- Honor system
- Doing it in the tech way, so it it really fair
- How to do the fair dice role
- IndieWeb wrap - what did the IndieWeb meant to you, the time like, game, wiki page, the best blogs,... showing this as the collective knowledge, so we could see the trends better, what do people choose to do about this
- Tantek changed the design every month, when he did the things by hand
- How do we preserve the design in the collaborative way?
- 32bit Cafe - events when people do the HTML page on the topic
- The collection of these contribution is the collaboration (like the carnival)
- If it is not a close group, you might need something against vandalism
- In collaboration, the trust is important
- Ideas for collaborative writing:
- What the IndieWeb means to you
- A story idea
- later idea: collobaroative photostream from tollwerk is an example https://tollwerk.de/blog/beyond-tellerrand-berlin-2024
- hashtag-specific planet for an event?