Syndication was a session at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024.
- Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/syndication
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IndieWebCamp SD 2024
Session: Syndication
When: 2024-12-07 15:50
- David Shanske (session facilitator)
- Anthony Ciccarello
- gRegor Morrill
- Peter Kaminski
- ilovecomputers
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details) or [URL NAME]
- Part of Your World: How to Integrate your Site with the Places People Are - #partofyourworld
- What, where, why, how.
- ActivityPub, Bluesky/ATProto
Use-case: conversation around what I'm saying
- David Shanske: I want to be productive, and people engaging with what I'm doing makes me more productive.
- Would like to avoid the LiveJournal backfill auto-syndication of all backfilled posts live publicly which some were supposed to be private.
- Anthony Ciccarello Using Bridgy Fed for Mastodon and Bluesky
- Great for replying to mastodon posts
- Have defaults for if different post types show up in a main feed but can be overriden
- Reviews generally aren't in the main feed but some might be able to stand on their own
- ilovecomputers you'll run into issues if you rename yourself to your domain: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1074
- Tantek Γelik strava has options to "mute" activity in the main/group feeds
- David Shanske Micro.blog doesn't support all post types so you might not want to syndicate
- gRegor Morrill Micro.blog is fairly forgiving
- Mastodon also has limitations about what post types are supported
- Can control syndication per post type
- Tantek Γelik but even still, most platforms still support a plaintext version
- David Shanske: use-case: inviting more conversation
- David Shanske: I want people to see and find my stuff
- Tantek Γelik: is this for people to see real-time, like in a reader/newsfeed, or to find eventually or ever, like from a web search?
- David Shanske: both. anything within the week for me is somewhat real time. also had an example where someone found a post from years ago and commented on it.
- gRegor Morrill Goodreads reviews have a checkbox "Add to update feed" which is checked by default. If checked, review will show up on your profile page.
- Anthony Ciccarello have seen that where someone mentions something of mine in their weekly round-up
- Most people won't assume they can subscribe to a website via ActivityPub/Mastodon, so making those options clearer can help gain readership
- People like that they can get personal interactions from platforms like Mastodon
- Anthony Ciccarello would like to POSSE to Instagram since that's where his family is
Clearview mentioned: https://indieweb.org/2020/West/Demos