Los Angeles
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Los Angeles (LA) is a major market city on the Southwest coast of the United States and has hosted monthly Homebrew Website Club meetups and IndieWebCamps.
Local IndieWeb Members
Currently active IndieWeb Members in Los Angeles itself.
Chris Aldrich
Angelo Gladding
Jonathan LaCour
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Los Angeles was the location of the following IndieWebCamps:
- 2016-11-05β¦06 IndieWebCamp Los Angeles at Pivotal Labs
- 2013-11-03β¦04 IndieWebCamp Hollywood 2013
See Planning: LA to express interest or offer to help out with the next IWC LA!
First Homebrew Website Club meeting was on 2016-01-13 and met monthly until ????-??-??.
Current organizers:
Chris Aldrich
Angelo Gladding
Jonathan LaCour
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)
Past organizers:
Potential organizers (folks that have expressed interest)
- Add yourself here⦠(see this for more details)