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Pollen is a publishing system built on Scribble and Racket that helps authors make functional and beautiful digital books as websites, as well as .pdf copies, e-books, and physical books.
Pollen is available on Github: https://github.com/mbutterick/pollen
IndieWeb Examples
Matthew Butterick
- Matthew Butterick is a writer, typographer, programmer, and lawyer. He wrote Pollen in Racket so that he could eat what he cooks to more easily write books on the web as well as in other forms. Some of his websites/books include:
Joel Dueck
- Joel Dueck has a website (source: https://github.com/otherjoel/try-pollen) that he can use to also print as a book using Racket, Pollen, LaTeX, Quad, etc. Details and demo here: Joel Dueck: Pollen, Textpattern, and Websites as books
- Example: Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions with web, .pdf, and physical versions
- Example: Dice Word List
Malcolm Still
Malcolm Still had a website at mstill.io (not resolving in 2020-08) built with Pollen with source on Github.