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UBOS (pronounced You-Boss) is a new Linux distro that makes it much simpler to install and maintain indie web and IoT applications on physical servers, cloud servers and devices such as as the Raspberry Pi.
Even geeks often have a hard time finding out how to install web apps, or regularly backing them up or upgrading them.
For non-geeks, it's totally impossible, which is one of the reasons they need to go to the big silos instead of the indieweb.
UBOS is intended to make this much more accessible to geeks and humans, so everybody can have their own site under they own control.
UBOS was born out of the former Indie Box project.
UBOS supports:
- multiple virtual hosts, and
- multiple independent installations of the same app at different virtual hostnames or paths.
- automatic provisioning of Letsencrypt SSL/TLS certificates
- one-command, encrypted offsite backup
- one-command restore
- one-command full-stack upgrade of operating system and all installed apps on a device.
Apps available on UBOS
As of 2016-08-16:
- Known: Publishing Platform for Everyone
- Mattermost: Open source, self-hosted Slack-alternative
- Mediagoblin: The GNU projectβs photo and media sharing app
- Mediawiki: The wiki that Wikipedia runs on
- Nextcloud: A safe home for all your data
- Owncloud: Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!
- Selfoss: The new multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
- Shaarli: Your Own URL Shortener
- Webtrees: Full-featured web genealogy app
- WordPress: Blog tools, publishing platform, and CMS, plus indie web plugins
and a number of accessories.
Each of these apps can be fully installed at a virtual host of the user's choosing with a single command. There is no need to edit configuration files, manually provision databases, or restart services.
UBOS uses a rolling-release model, which means that no "major" upgrades are ever required. UBOS also uses several release channels that contain software with different levels of maturity.
The UBOS release process tests the entire stack: operating system, middleware, and the installation, uninstallation, backup, restore and (some) functionality of web apps included in UBOS.
More info:
- UBOS Site
- GitHub
- UBOS Development group
- 2016-09-23 Talk by Johannes Ernst, UBOS and the Indie Iot at Mozilla San Francisco
- 2015-04 Raspberry Pi Geek Magazine: Du bist der Boss -- Mit Ubos eine private Cloud aufsetzen (in German)
- 2015-02-03 Doc Searls in Linux Journal: You're the Boss with UBOS
- 2014-10-22 Postscapes: Personal server software UBOS lets users run their own clouds, control their own data