From IndieWeb

Scott Jaramillo Jack


Technical content writer and IT pro living in North Carolina. Using Bearblog.

Chat Nickname: scojjac

Elsewhere: Threads GitHub


Scott is a technical content writer and IT professional living in North Carolina, originally from New Mexico and west Texas. He has been interested in maintaining a personal site since high school and over the years has used Geocities, Blogger, Ning, Squarespace, Tumblr, and self-hosted WordPress for his online home. Scott's current site runs on Bearblog.


Thoughts about the Wiki

  • Get Started should answer how to be "on the indieweb". It should answer questions such as:
    • What is the indieweb? The indieweb is websites owned by people, not corporations. It's about having a permanent online home that you control.
    • How do I get "on the indieweb?" When you have your own website at your own domain or subdomain, you're on the indieweb. You can do more things like syndicate your posts to and from your social media accounts and respond to other people's posts from your own site.
    • How will my friends see my posts? How will I see others' posts? A feed reader or an email newsletter can help you and your friends keep up with each others posts without having to visit each other's websites regularly.
    • It can mention IWC, HWC, and the chat, but those should not be the first things on the page.
  • Quick_Start is what most people want and should be prominently highlighted on Get Started. I feel like I've run across duplicate content on pages like Indieweb as a Service, though that also addresses more developer-oriented tools like and
  • Holy smokes the hosting page is overwhelming. A table might help for better readability and comparison.
  • IndieMark, which we say is the evaluation method for 'how indieweb am I', is mostly 'TBD' according to the wiki. Not a particularly helpful instrument as published.