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Advocacy are efforts to help and empower others by sharing knowledge, ideas and solutions with them, in particular about how you find the IndieWeb useful for yourself, and being able to answer questions like how would I use a personal site?
Good and bad practices
- Do enable and empower; don't dictate and domineer.
- Don't engage in "negative campaigning": demonstrate the positive parts of the IndieWeb approach without going into attack mode on other approaches.
- Don't downplay people's concerns or ignore legitimate criticisms, Do listen and ask questions, help find ways to recognize and address criticisms.
- Don't become a raving fundamentalist. The IndieWeb community is based on practicality and positive change, not becoming a weird cultish religion. Using a silo service does not make someone bad, stupid, or irrational.
- Do talk about unsolved problems—don't cover up the problems (user experience, design, social, technical etc.) you are facing but share them. People who aren't engaged in the community can and will be inspired to find new ways to solve those issues if they are shared honestly.
- Focus on the human: talk about your own motivations and listen to other people's motivations.
- Try to be humble: arrogance and running one's mouth wins few converts.
- Avoid stupid Internet dramas. Life is too short and there are more positive things to do.
Notable advocacy posts
Whether directly for IndieWeb building blocks & community, or indirectly through aligned principles etc.
- E.g.
- "Hello friends, do you have your own web address? I know maybe you’re thinking, “I don’t need that!” or “that’s too much work!” but I promise, if you’ve got an instagram account, then you should definitely have a little place of your own. It’s important, and can be very fun." @anildash March 14, 2022
See also
See Also
- testimonial
- 2024-03-13
Ana Rodrigues You don't have to be a “content creator” to have a website.
- 2024-03-14 The "IndieWeb" feels like coming home
and reply:The IndieWeb is a movement to return to actually owning and controlling your digital presence like we did 20+ years ago.
- 2024-03-16 It is like you read my mind.
… The IndieWeb is a web of personal connections, I feel. Those walled gardens were never home. This is.
This is home.
- 2024-03-16 It is like you read my mind.