
From IndieWeb

A challenge on the indieweb can either mean a blogging challenge, a list of questions to answer or a topic to write about in a post, sometimes tagged/invited by others to do so, or an ongoing event-like post which invites people to post achievements towards a goal for a specific time period, like exercise or posting photos at some frequency (daily), also supported by silos like Strava and

Blogging Challenges

A blogging challenge is typically a call for a single post on a topic or to answer a series of questions. See these individual pages for IndieWeb Examples of each.

IndieWeb Examples

Examples of more ongoing challenges, which entail multiple posts, usually at some regular frequency like daily, for some period of time like 30 or 100 days.

IndieWeb Gift Calendar

An annual group effort to gift (ship) one or more IndieWeb-related thing(s) each day of December that others can use to improve their IndieWeb experience. Started in 2017.

Official challenges hosted at

Maxwell Joslyn

2019-08-28: Maxwell Joslyn hosted a "Sith Lord Challenge" on his personal website at Sith Lord Challenge and collected responses via Webmention

Add yourself!

Add yourself here… (see this for more details)

Other Examples


See Also