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context is everything around and about something, typically the nearer the more relevant, such as the graphic design surrounding a post, information around a post like the reply-context for a reply or its longer thread and previous discussions on the subject, posts by an author (perhaps of the same type) before and after a particular post, or conditions around a post like location, weather, date, and time of day.
IndieWeb Examples
Chris Aldrich has been using the Post Kinds Plugin to add reply-contexts to his site (especially for replies, bookmarks, reads, watches, listens) since ????-??-??. He uses the Simple Location plugin to frequently add weather and location related context to his posts since ????-??-??.
Silo Examples
- LiveJournal has functionality in their post entry for adding location, mood and listen data. see documentation at:
It also has the ability to do custom mood themes.
See Also
- "Context challenges between #indieweb and social media silos:" @davidmead March 10, 2019
- Context challenges between #indieweb and social media silos
- reply-context
- context collapse
- Mood, doing, thinking, listening article by
Ana Rodrigues describing some of her research, other examples, emoji and some details about how she's doing it with an example at the bottom.