presentations about
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- For details on how to post presentations or slides on your own site, see the presentation post page.
Presentations and slide decks about the indieweb (in chronological order) are listed below. You may also be looking for:
- Posts about the IndieWeb - more sources of IndieWeb news
- videos about the indieweb - recordings of talks
- 2022-09-15
Ton Zijlstra WordPress IndieWeb site: Make the Open Web more social than the silo's Netherlands WordCamp 2002
- 2021-04-12
Jamie Tanna The IndieWeb Movement: Owning Your Data and Being the Change You Want to See in the Web at Tech Nottingham
- 2020-11-10 sia karamalegos Webmentions + Eleventy at JamStack Toronto
- 2020-09-22
Aaron Parecki ActivityPub and OAuth 2.1 at ActivityPub Conference
- 2020-01-07
Jack Jamieson Presentation notes from Civic Tech TO Hacknight on Jan 7 2020. โIndieWeb: Empowering individuals through collective designโ at Civic Tech Toronto Hacknight
- 2019-10-10 Nicolas Hoizey Ne vous laissez plus dรฉPOSSEder de vos contenus! at Paris Web 2019
- 2019-10-19
Jamie Tanna The IndieWeb Movement: Owning Your Data and Being the Change You Want to See in the Web at OggCamp
- 2018-06-09 Stephen Rushe: Playing with the Indieweb (slides, video 31:13s, resources), at Northern Ireland Developer Conference in Belfast, UK
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Jeremy Keith (has done a bunch of indieweb talks this year)
- ... many more need to be listed/copied to here from videos about the indieweb
- 2017-12-04 Tom Jekyll-IndieWeb and Friends at AustinRB
- 2017-09-21 Keith J. Grant The Decentralized Social Web at Connect.Tech 2017 in Atlanta (related video)
- 2017-05-30
Aaron Parecki: What is the IndieWeb?
- 2016-12-21 Tim Marinin: - IndieWeb, Microformats and Web Archeology (Russian)
- As of at least 2023-11-02, this appears to be a lost site. Domain is currently redirecting to a Japanese domain name and no archived version found for the original. If you have an updated link or archive, please update this.
- 2016-11-11
Wm Salt Hale: IndieWeb 101: Owning Your Content and Identity at SeaGL
- 2016-06-22 10:00 (CEST) Joschi Kuphal: IndieWeb Hack Day 2016 "IndieWeb โ Your data. Your Web" (English / German)
- 2016-06-22
Aaron Parecki: Open Source Bridge "Standardizing the Social Web"
- 2016-06-09
Ryan Barrett: IndieWebCamp at Decentralized Web Summit 2016 (video, slides)
- 2016-02-04 17:00
Jeena Paradies: Own your data โ IndieWeb, Beyond Blogging and Decentralization (PDF slides) at Free and open source software Gothenburg
- 2016-01-28
Calum Ryan: "Taking part in the IndieWeb"
- 2014-06-24 14:30
Aaron Parecki: Open Source Bridge "OAuth, IndieAuth, and the Future of Authorization APIs"
- 2014-06-24 11:00
Amber Case: Open Source Bridge "Intro to the Indie Web"
- 2014-06-05
Tantek รelik: #PDF14 "Why We Need the #IndieWeb" (HTML presentation), video (YouTube, 13:15]
- 2014-05-29 15:00-07:00
Aaron Parecki: AWE2014 Presentation "The Future of Quantified Self and Data Ownership"
- 2014-05-02 15:35+11:00
Tantek รelik: #WDC14 Keynote "The Once and Future IndieWeb"
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