January 21-28, 2022
Recent Events
From events.indieweb.org/archive:
Topics discussed:
- Troubleshooting PHP in WordPress
- Collecting best practices for organizing pop-ups
- Testing automatic live Zoom transcription
- Pros and cons of preserving automatic transcription in archive.org records
- Ephemeral posts - replicating Stories on your website

Topics discussed:
- Longevity of websites - printed websites
- How to replicate unprogrammed live interactions online - status indicators
- How we can safely and meaningfully interact online - expectations of different platforms
- How to make pre-recorded events more useful - capturing context, transcription, commentary

Upcoming Events
From events.indieweb.org:
Posts about the IndieWeb
From news.indieweb.org:
New Community Members
From IndieWeb Wiki: New User Pages:
Created by Kvibber.com on Tuesday and edited 6 more times
Created by Silviamaggidesign.com on Sunday
Created by Minutestomidnight.co.uk on Saturday
Created by Osvaldo.pt on Tuesday
Top New Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: New Pages:
Pop-up Organizing
Pop-up Organizing is a great way to bring together the IndieWeb community online for shorter single-topic discussions.
Created by David.shanske.com on Thursday and edited 4 more times
ClassicPress is a community fork of WordPress that emerged due to resistance to the introduction of the Gutenberg visual editor.
Created by sknebel on Wednesday with 2 more edits by www.svenknebel.de posts and boffosocko.com
pixelated is in the context of the IndieWeb a reference to the use of pixelated images for a variety or reasons like privacy, and a way to blur potentially arbitrary images received from external sources.
Created by [tantek] on Friday and edited 1 more time
LimeSurvey is an open source survey tool also available as a service with a decent UI, that can be self-hosted on an IndieWeb site.
Created by Tantek.com on Wednesday and edited 1 more time
Top Edited Wiki Pages
From IndieWeb Wiki: Recent Changes:
- Web 3.0 9 edits by loqi.me, jamesg.blog and tantek.com
- 2022/Pop-ups/Analog Meets Online 6 edits by tracydurnell.com and david.shanske.com
- ccTLD 5 edits by beesbuzz.biz
- open source 4 edits by jamesg.blog
- link in bio 4 edits by loqi.me, boffosocko.com and vanderven.se martijn
- WebFinger 4 edits by loqi.me and tantek.com
- metaverse 3 edits by loqi.me
- creator 3 edits by tantek.com and loqi.me
- W3C 3 edits by tantek.com and loqi.me
- The-Open-Graph-protocol 2 edits by gregorlove.com