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Notes from planning 2015/MIT:
- 2015-11-7..8? 2015/MIT - another Cambridge IndieWebCamp?
- co-organized with
Sandro Hawke
- +1
Amy Guy
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- +1
Ben Roberts 21..22 is most preferable to me, most likely cannot make Sunday in person
- -0
Tantek Γelik likely conflict - but please prefer others' (e.g. locals') preferences above mine!
- co-organized with
- 2015-11-14..15? 2015/MIT - another Cambridge IndieWebCamp?
- co-organized with
Sandro Hawke
- -0
Amy Guy would prefer 7-8 or 21-22
David Shanske would vote for 20-21, being partial to Friday/Saturday over Saturday/Sunday but will work with whatever other people are doing. If available, Massachusetts is easy.
- +0
Tantek Γelik can likely make this (but defers to what works better for locals)
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- +1
Ben Roberts 21..22 is most preferable to me, most likely cannot make Sunday in person
- co-organized with
- 2015-11-21..22? 2015/MIT - another Cambridge IndieWebCamp?
- co-organized with
Sandro Hawke
- +1
Amy Guy can co-organise
- -0
Tantek Γelik can't make this (conflict on 2015-11-22) but would prefer this date if it better fits locals!
- -0
Aaron Parecki can't make this, but don't let that stop anyone else
- +1
Ben Roberts this is most preferable to me, most likely cannot make Sunday in person
- co-organized with