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Demos for IndieWebCamp NYC 2016.
Notes archived from chat starting 2016-01-24 17:07
Emma Hodge
- created emmahodge.org
- https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site
- registered with gandi.net
- forked from the blank-gh-site that
Tom Morris created and put on the indieweb org on github
- renamed the repo to githubuser.github.io
- the index.html contains an h-card with a name
- and a link to Twitter where people should put in their twitter account, already has rel=me
- https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site/network
- using this technique we can get a list of who has forked that page, and help them out
- she edited the Zone File in her gandi.net settings for her domain
- added an A record entry, @ A (IP address from github)
- and we noticed that the TTL was 3 hours, so it took a while to take effect
- meanwhile she also had to create a file called "CNAME" at the root of her static site repo on github with just one line of "emmahodge.org"
- she edited the index.html file and commited it, a few hours later it worked: http://emmahodge.org/
Tantek Çelik
Tantek Çelik, https://tantek.com
- documented some of the techniques we came up with for Device Data Portability as how tos
- iPod#How_to
- showed the wiki page, and talked through the reasons for it
- https://paulbruk.github.io/
- Set up using
Tom Morris' blank-gh-site
Tom Morris
Tom Morris, http://tommorris.org
- worked on checkins
- private posts and venues
- shows how not-logged in view works with private posts
- private posts don't show up in lists
- and permalinks get a 403
- shows his admin site with venue creation / editing page
- shows a venue permalink
- in his /places/times-square
- each venue can also have a Foursquare venue ID
- Foursquare API lets you pass along a URL along with a tip
- so if you post tips on your own site, you can POSSE them to Foursquare and send the permalink to the original as the URL of the tip!
- did a bunch of internationalization work too
- switching laptops
Benjamin Melançon
- demoing Bridget's site
- she got her domain registered
- setup hosting at mayfirst.org
- they do hosting as a cooperative service, members not customers
- http://bridgetharrison.org is up!
- here's the theme from Pelican, called Flex that she's using: https://github.com/mlncn/Flex
- Ben edited couple of things in the theme so the social links are rel=me links
- and in the footer we have an h-card
Mark Matienzo
- http://matienzo.org
- added h-entry markup and Webmention link rels
- he referenced the wiki pages for this indiewebcamp nyc
- and he successfully sent a webmention
- wanted to work on this to figure out use of webmentions for the IIIF community
Lara Fischer-Zernin
- LaraFZ who is not here right now, registered her own domain name for her project(s) and started setting up a static site on github, as well as experimenting with both WordPress.com and Withknown.com
- she has http://hipstersgo.com/
- and created https://github.com/hipstersgo
- WordPress test site: hipstersgo.wordpress.com
- Withknown test site: https://hipstersgo.com.withknown.com/
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, https://aaronparecki.com
- has been working for many months to refactor and rewrite everything
- just days away from launching this
- tried to do a test launch today on his cat's website
- which is running the same software
- this is the current site indiewebcat.com
- had to setup all the content and redirects for the old URLs
- it has been imported to a new site, which is on new.indiewebcat.com
- the import finished so he can switch it right now!