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IndieWeb Organizers Meetup Brighton 2019 is a half-day of activities and sessions before IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019, for everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp in the past two years or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups with at least one meetup photo.
- When: β¦
- Where: Clearleft, Brighton, England
Please add yourself if you can make it on the afternoon of 2019-10-18 to Clearleft in Brighton:
Rosemary Orchard - will have to join later (train arrives mid-afternoon)
Tantek Γelik
Calum Ryan
Martijn van der Ven β possibly, may get stuck sightseeing
Aaron Parecki
Normally we go through the topics in order on the Organizers page, and triage / prioritize from there as well as what we (those who show up to the Organizers meetup) find particularly worthy to pursue.
If there is an urgent topic that requires addressing before this specific IndieWebCamp (e.g. speakers, a format change, etc.), that may be added here. Be sure to note your name/link.
Day 1 Start Hack
Tantek Γelik: One thing we brainstormed right after IWC NYC was a "hack start" or whatever we want to call it, session at the very end of day 1.
Can we do this for IWC Brighton? We need to change the schedule accordingly.
The goal is to get folks to engage and connect something from the day 1 discussions into a creative act of some sort, just a start (nothing demoable expected obviously).
The expectation is that doing so will help motivate more people to come back on day 2.
If people start on something, and deliberately leave it incomplete, there's a built-in draw / incentive to come back and finish something.
There is a certain joy in starting something that if we can tap into, might be enough to carry them back to day 2.
This is something for everyone, not just people who don't have a domain / are getting started. It may require a few of us organizers to help "coach" folks through. Obviously organizers are coming back on day 2, so we're less concerned about losing ourselves :)
Possible example ideas to give people for a "start hack" session:
- Get a domain registered (and set its TTL to as low as possible) so it's ready by day 2. too many have struggled with this and lost precious hours on day 2 of IWCs because of this
- Create a new GitHub account or repo if they "just" want a static home page to start with (for IndieAuth etc.)
- Maybe create a new micro.blog account, but not worry about getting it all setup yet
- ...
The idea is these are things that are steps toward a particular goal, but don't need to be completed. In fact, completion is explicitly *not* encouraged during this session (not discouraged either).