Planning for IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.
Archived from Planning:
Venue: sipgate (same as before)
- 13-15 May: beyond tellerrand Düsseldorf
Marc Thiele
Tantek Çelik helping out remote
- ... please chat in discuss/IRC meta channel with Marc or Tantek
Jonas Voss Happy to help with anything, based in London though
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Interested in participating!
Joschi Kuphal
Tantek Çelik
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Rosemary Orchard
Aaron Parecki
Jonas Voss
Martijn van der Ven
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- May 11-12 (Saturday / Sunday before) SAVE THE DATE
- +1
Tantek Çelik could make this!
- +1
Sebastiaan Andeweg
- +1
Marc Thiele ”makes total sense“
- +1
Aaron Parecki
- +1
Rosemary Orchard
- +1
Jonas Voss
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
- May 18-19 (Saturday / Sunday after)
- -1
Tantek Çelik conflict: Bay to Breakers on 5/19
- +1
Sebastiaan Andeweg
- -1
Aaron Parecki conflict
- +1
Rosemary Orchard
- +1/0/-1 Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- -1
Previously: 2018/Düsseldorf, 2017/Düsseldorf, 2016/Düsseldorf, 2015/Düsseldorf