
From IndieWeb

Demos was a session at IndieWebCamp East 2020 where attendees showed off what they created for their personal websites at camp.

Watch: ▶️ 00:38:53s

Notes archived from etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Projects on 2020-11-17 at 1:14 PM Pacific

IndieWebCamp East 2020
Session: Demos
When: 2020-11-14 4:30 PM Eastern



Ian Forrester

  • (via chat as he's in the UK)
  • Last night I moved my gratitude diary from wordpress.com and moved it to my Raspberry PI with Yunohost. - https://gratitude.cubicgarden.info/blog/
  • Like to have a play with kinds to make each diary entry a little different depending on my gratitude.
  • Also tried to install WriteFreely instead of WP but didn't seem to install. Like to make writing the gratitude s a bit quicker, so looking at the email to WP thing
  • I always write my gratitude diary late at night and when I was around my partners flat, didn't want to get the chromebook out to post for a short while. WP is quicker but feels heavy for something so small and quick
  • I enabled micropub on wp; I enabled indieauth
  • https://gratitude.cubicgarden.info/blog/2020/11/15/307/ - via webauth & micropub

Chris Aldrich

  • Helped a few people wikify themselves
  • Answered some questions about WordPress
  • Continued work on the Davis Theme (hope to release some code soon...)

David Shanske

  • Helped niece with homework when she called
  • Updated weather software to output a json file
  • Taught website to read that format
  • Added fallback capability for the primary weather provider to fallback to a secondary

Jeremy Felt

Jack Jamieson

Sarah Hibner

Simon Willison

datasette publish cloudrun ../datasette/fixtures.db \
   --service datasette-indieauth-demo \
   --install datasette-indieauth \
   --plugin-secret datasette-indieauth restrict_access https://simonwillison.net/
  • So now I can publish a database file to the internet and restrict access to a specific allow-list of IndieAuth user IDs using a single terminal command.

André Jaenisch

See Also