
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from 2020/Intros)

The Lightning Introductions and Website Demos is where notes from this session at IndieWebCamp 2020 West can be found.

To participate in this portion of camp, please add your name and demo URLs to the etherpad below. When done, the etherpad will be archived on this page.

Etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/Lightning_Intros

  • This etherpad was archived below on 2020-06-29 at 12:48 PM


Watch: โ–ถ๏ธ 50:42s

Lightning Intros

Welcome to the Lightning Introduction Round!

Depending on the number of participants, you'll have approximately one to two minutes to give yourself and your website an introduction with the Zoom call.

To help keep things moving in this portion we'll have one or two people hosting/facilitating the introductions and doing the screensharing of the urls and pages you'd like to show off.

When available, they'll show your home page or about page first and then will forward through the other URLs you provide so you can show off something interesting you've created on your personal website. You will talk through your ligtning demo and they'll tab through the URLs you provide.

If you don't yet have a website, don't sweat it!! Simply use a moment to introduce yourself, maybe a sentence or two about who you are, how you heard about IndieWeb, what you might like to accomplish over the weekend, or something you might need help doing during the two days so others will know how they might be able to assist you.

Ideally, the host(s) in the call will verbally indicate the current presenter and the name of the following presenter to allow them to be ready to unmute themselves as appropriate.

For everyone's comfort, please mute your microphone while others are presenting.

Please queue your introduction details below:

Chris Aldrich


Aaron Parecki

Sarah Hibner

Paulo Pinto

  • Homepage: paulopinto.org
  • Micro.blog: paulopinto.page
  • Hamradio: ct1ete.xyz

Joeseph Dickson

Marty McGuire

Peter Molnar

Alex Kearney (kongaloosh)

Greg McVerry (jgmac1106)


  • Homepage or About me URL: https://ohhelloana.blog/
    • scroll a bit until it shows an RSVP and instagram post and pause there.

Brandon Okeke

David Shanske

Jordan Brady

gRegor Morrill

  • Demo: https://gregorlove.com/notes/ blogging since about 2002, posting articles/notes/photos
  • Recent update was adding back the reply contexts on my notes (show the first post)
  • (scroll down a bit to RSVP to the pre-party last night)
  • (then scroll down a bit more to my reply to Cassie's tweet announcing her new site)

Manton Reece

Justin Miller (incanus / incanus77)

Tantek ร‡elik

  • https://tantek.com/
  • can slowly scroll and I can chat about the the type of posts I make
  • I might ask to click on a permalink to show POSSE copy links, and maybe prev/next nav

Beto Dealmeida

Evert Pot

Homepage: https://evertpot.com/

David Bryant


Scott Gruber

Grant Richmond

Maxwell Joslyn

  • (host: please start here and do a few seconds per page)
  • Homepage: www.maxwelljoslyn.com
  • Blog / Feed: www.maxwelljoslyn.com/blog
  • (host: and then continue with these, again a few sec per page)
  • www.maxwelljoslyn.com/translation
  • www.maxwelljoslyn.com/poems/index
  • www.maxwelljoslyn.com/ryanquest

Pat Dryburgh

Benjamin Turner

  • https://benjaminturner.me
  • Last year at IndieWeb Camp I started working on an implementation of micropub in Django. Hoping to get that launched this weekend!
  • Site currently has a webmention endpoint


  • indiewebcat.com

See Also