
From IndieWeb

WordPress was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024.



  • David develops IndieWeb WordPress plugins, as well as Matthias (pfefferle). This session is a good opportunity for us all to talk about WordPress.
  • WP is popular. ~40% of the identifiable internet is running on WP. A big audience for IndieWeb technology.
  • Greater than half of the room has used WP. 3-4 people actively use WP.
  • Can be confusing and sites can bloat as they grow and you add more extensions, etc.
  • David is demoing WordPress and how it works.
    • There are posts and comments available in their own tabs in the admin dashboard.
    • A few years ago, we made a plugin called IndieWeb that lets people use IndieWeb technologies.
    • You need to install and activate plugins.
    • The list of a potpurri of different plugins you can install; you don't need to install all of them.
    • Plugins cover Webmention, Micropub, IndieAuth, syndication links, and more.
    • The IndieWeb plugin lets you configure identity settings, like if your site is authored by a single person or multiple authors. This has various technical implementations [what?].
    • You can configure each IndieWeb plugin individually, like Webmention.
  • Showing demo of blog post where Webmentions were sent to one of David's posts.
  • Nice thing about WP for IndieWeb: click and things work.
  • ... add notes

See Also