Open Source Bridge
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Open Source Bridge (AKA OSBridge) was an annual open source conference in Portland Oregon from 2009-2018 where many IndieWeb talks have been given over the years, and the event which served as an anchor for the immediately adjacent very first IndieWebCamp in 2011.
- lost site:
- Internet Archive:
Open Source Bridge provided an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest in grassroots open source development, design, and community.
By issuing an annual open request for talk proposals, which anyone can openly vote on, there was both a lot of opportunity to discuss interesting open source topics that you are passionate about (by proposing a talk and/or voting on talks you'd like to see and participate in).
Aside from organized talks, there was also a one day BarCamp on the Friday of OSBridge week, which provided an opportunity to show-up and propose a break-out session to discuss whatever about open source you'd like to discuss.
Because of its grassroots nature, OSBridge attracted a quite a diverse spectrum of attendees, from hobbyists, to tinkerers, to independent developers, and even folks from large companies, all looking to meet and interact with the diverse crowd.
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Please add links to all the past IndieWeb related talks given at OSBridge, both during the organized conference, and on the BarCamp day!
- ...
- 2016-06-22
Aaron Parecki: Standardizing the Social Web
- 2014-06-24
Aaron Parecki: OAuth, IndieAuth, and the Future of Authorization APIs
- webactions#2012
- 2012/Open_Checkins
- 2012-06-26
Aaron Parecki: From OAuth to IndieAuth: Own your online identity
The 2011 OSBridge took place immediately before the original IndieWebCamp in 2011.