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OwnCast is a self-hosted livestreaming application that can be used to livestream from your own website.
IndieWeb Examples
- Matt Steele 2020-08-12 Indieweb Livestreaming your Wedding with Owncast. Description of using OwnCast with POSSE to Zoom.
Aaron Parecki occasionally livestreams his 3D prints at https://printer.aaronpk.tv and other content at https://live.aaronpk.tv using OwnCast
- KmikeyM livestreams using OwnCast at https://live.kmikeym.com
- IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2021 was livestreamed with OwnCast on indieweb.live
Jacky Alciné streams whatever he's in the mood off at https://live.jacky.wtf and uses restreamer to broadcast to Twitch as well.
- As of 2022-08-27, I've been using streamd to manage interactivity with my site from Owncast
IndieWeb Friendly
- 2020-12-22
Aaron Parecki suggested using IndieAuth for login [1] [2]
- 2022-07-09 Version 0.0.12 shipped support for claiming a chat account using IndieAuth
ActivityPub Use
- Follows and likes show up in the chat stream (as of 2022-07-21,
Jacky Alciné notes)
See Also
- live streaming
- video
- directory
- Browser extension to follow multiple OwnCast instances https://github.com/craftamap/owncast-browser-extension/
- how to install on Linode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWE7HGJQI_4
- https://gabekangas.com/blog/2021/06/an-exciting-update-about-owncast/
- https://owncast.online/help/
- rel=me request #3290 rel-me link verification support