
From IndieWeb

PixelFed is open source software for social image sharing of photos and video, similar to Instagram, that interoperates with other sites using several open standards including rel-me and ActivityPub.

As of 2018-05-24 Pixelfed supports import of one's data from Instagram.


Similar to Instagram

  • photo posts
    • audience-specific access per: https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/103542563320249737 announcement of restricted mode in coming release
      • "We understand some people may want to use Pixelfed with family and friends in a closed environment.Restricted Mode will allow you to require authentication for every page and disable federation support with a single command.It will be shipping in the next version! #pixelfed" @pixelfed January 25, 2020

IndieWeb Friendly

Announcements / intentions:


2023-07-17: IndieWeb friendly progress: looking to add IndieAuth support!

"We are working on OIDC support, and exploring IndieAuth!

The Sign-in with Mastodon feature uses Mastodon specific APIs and is a temporary measure until we get OIDC in place and other platforms support it!"


2019-03-02: Jacky AlcinΓ© filed a GitHub issue for IndieAuth https://github.com/pixelfed/pixelfed/issues/935

See Also