RSS/IndieWeb examples
RSS is a set of XML feed file formats for syndicating content from web sites.
Atom is an alternative XML format for feeds.
IndieWeb Examples
Dan Lyke
Dan Lyke's site has an RSS 1.0 (RDF) feed at
Jason Garber
Jason Garber publishes auto-discoverable RSS 2.0 feeds using FrancisCMS on since 2016-01-14 for each content type:
All Known sites provide an RSS 2.0 feed for any page or feed by adding ?_t=rss to the URL. e.g.
Malcolm Blaney
Malcolm's site provides RSS feeds for new posts and comments. It also supports rssCloud to register for updates. Any feed will only show updates for the last 24 hours, with the expectation being that subscribers and aggregators will store historical content if they want to. A period of 24 hours was chosen so that feed items could be edited by the author and re-syndicated.
Chris Aldrich
Chris Aldrich's WordPress site provides the standard RSS feeds for both posts and comments. In late 2016, I added and documented some additional human readable feeds for common indieweb post types as well. These are also done so that feed readers scraping the site will be able to offer these options to potential subscribers. I did this particularly as with increasing varieties of content and content types on my site, I don't expect that everyone will necessarily want the "firehose" feed, but may prefer to read subsections of content by post types, categories, or tags. I was also able to add links to RSS feeds from other sites I own as well to make my personal homepage a more central hub for my content.
David Foley
David Foley (dsofeir)'s site uses the Grav CMS Feed plugin to provide an RSS feed containing all his blog posts.
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