Notes from Virtual Homebrew Website Club, November 29, 2017 taken as the conversation flowed. They don’t have any order to them other than time, and related items haven’t been grouped.
Attendance: Jeremy Cherfas,
Martijn van der Ven, and Sven Knebel.
- Martijn broke posting to his website and now has to finish implementing Micropub before he can blog again.
- Jeremy started the work he discussed last time ’round, for posting to Grav without the Grav admin panel.
- It works to create the files “manually”, and goes much faster than the Grav admin panel.
- Creating all posts by hand now.
- Has to remember the folder for the item has to have a web friendly name, and the item title has to be human friendly.
- Using a service called “make names web friendly”
- First started using it (probably) for FTP uploading images.
- Wants to automate after getting familiar with all the steps
- Sven is working on adding an Atom feed and Websub to his site, for Brdigy Fed.
- Started using Granary for the feeds, but available at his own URLs. His server will “proxy” the feed from Granary.
- Doesn’t fully trust readers to get redirects rights.
- Feeds will have a different link to self. HTTP headers are injected with the correct self link, and hopefully these will be picked up on instead.
- Pubsubhubbub might break on this, as the spec does not specify checking Link HTTP headers.
- Started using Granary for the feeds, but available at his own URLs. His server will “proxy” the feed from Granary.
- Martijn was almost at a point where his token endpoint goes live.
- It is more configurable than selfauth, as that was a often heard criticism.
- It implements the HTTP side of the token endpoint spec and declares an interface for a class to handle the actual token creation/validation/revocation.
- This way other services (e.g. Micropub) can use the exact same logic to validate a received token without having to talk to the token endpoint.
Jeremy Cherfas: Did we talk about nvalt?
- Been hoping for a version for multiple folders. Want to “archive” stuff that has been done.
- Talked about his wishes in regards to FSNotes and they implemented something like it.
Martijn van der Ven: I like the monetisation of FSNotes - clone and compile or pay a small sum for a precompiled version from the app store.
Martijn van der Ven and
Jeremy Cherfas gus a bit about Marked2.
- Discussing multi-user Micropub based blogs based on Micropub-brainstorming#Users_using_their_own_identities_to_log-in_to_a_community_blog a wiki conversation and previous brainstorming by Martijn and Sven.
- Asking what Jeremy thinks of the flows.
- Jeremy never realised Quill (or any Micropub client) didn’t know he was the person who was logged in.
- Jeremy doesn’t have any of the hang-ups Martijn was thinking about, and instead sees the question how Micropub endpoints are going to present a choice between multiple endpoints as the important one. The one-time authorization (or add endpoint to client) flow is much less important.
- [MarsEdit]
- Jeremy uses MarsEdit to manage and the EatThis podcast posts.
- Maybe not the main posts, but the quick links and asides are likely coming from MarsEdit.
- MarsEdit also works well for doing after-the-fact edits, as it is more responsive than the big WordPress back-end.
Interesting take-away: the CMS that implements Micropub (Known) has a good UI so he posts there through the admin interface, the CMS without Micropub (WordPress) is where he uses external posting clients. Jeremy made a not of this himself too.
- Jeremy previously felt strongly about leaving WordPress, but less so these days.
- WordPress does what it needs to do for his use-cases, while other CMS are less developed.
- The best podcasting solutions are made by other podcasters, but not necessarily open-source.
- Is
Aaron Parecki’s Percolator site open-source? No.
- Is
- Sven comes back to an early discussion on nested IndieAuth for multi-user blogs (per Aaron’s flow) and wonders if one could nest the tokens. This way a user could revoke a token on their token-endpoint and when a token is received by the blog it would not just check that token internally but also check if the outside user issued token is still valid.