
From IndieWeb

annotation use cases are a list of common use-cases for annotations as presented by Robert of the W3C Annotations Working Group at the 2015-10-28 Web Annotations session at TPAC2015, most of which have IndieWeb equivalents in practice.

Use Cases

Robert gave an introductory slide presentation including this list of use-cases (including nested IndieWeb equivalents when available)

comment on a post
bookmark a post
tags a post
review a product / paper
describes a video post for accessibility
(no indieweb equivalent)
Jacky Alciné 2022-07-06: idea -> an edit post to original video post to add a summary
transcribe an audio post
(no indieweb equivalent)
Jacky Alciné 2022-07-06: idea -> an edit post to the original audio post to add a transcript
reply to a comment in a classroom
private webmention - brainstorming
propose a copy-edit for a typo in a post
moves an annotation between reading systems
replies are decentralized by default, thus no "moving" should be needed

To Do

  • Go through Digital Publishing Annotation Use Cases (W3C Interest Group Note 04 December 2014).
  • Note which of the above correspond to which use-case in that NOTE by specific section number and link to it.
  • Add more items for each use-case, explaining how to do so using indieweb building blocks.

See Also