feed discovery
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feed discovery is a way to, given someone's home page, discover their feed or feeds that they publish.
How to
How to discovery someone's feed or feeds from their home page.
Simple version:
- find the first h-feed on their home page. Use that as the feed.
- if there are no h-feed elements, then use the set of top level h-entry elements (h-entry elements that are themselves not inside another h-entry) as the implied feed on the page.
Off home feeds
At IndieWebCamp 2015 Aaron Parecki and
Jeena Paradies discussed how sometimes they want to publish feed(s) at more deeply nested URLs, yet linked from their home page.
The brainstorm suggestion was to:
- link from your homepage to your h-feed feed pages on other URLs with rel-feed
- See rel-feed#IndieWeb_Examples for examples of Indieweb usage