IndieWeb Movie Club

From IndieWeb
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IndieWeb Movie Club is a monthly movie themed blog carnival inspired by indieweb-carnival started in August 2024.


IndieWeb carnivals help motivate people to post more on their personal websites. See also why post? & IndieWeb Carnival.


Anyone with their own website is eligible to host and participate!

How To Host

Each month, IndieWeb Movie Club has a different host. At the beginning of the month, as host you will create an announcement post talking about your film pick. Add that to the table of movies and hosts. Hosts may add to that post as entries come in by webmention, email, or comment. At the end of the month, the host collects all the received submissions and posts an overview of it at a new url and/or update the original announcement. To commit to hosting, sign up below.

How to Participate

Watch the movie! Post your review, thoughts, opinions or even a small watch post about it and notify the host.

Movies & Hosts


Month Host Film Intro Roundup
January Al Abut Ghost In The Shell (1995)
February Mark Sutherland Romeo & Juilet (Any version) Introduction
March Joe Crawford What's Up Doc? (1972) Introduction
April zacharykai The Castle (1997)


Month Host Film Intro Roundup
August Mark Sutherland The Matrix (1999) Introduction Roundup Post
September benji When Harry Met Sally... (1989) Introduction Roundup Post
October capjamesg Wizard of Oz (1939) Introduction & Roundup
November Sara JakΕ‘a Vsi proti vsem / All Against All (2019) Call for Submissions Roundup post
December Mark Sutherland It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Introduction

Current rules (can be changed in the future)

The rules for IndieWeb Movie Club are aligned with the rules for indieweb-carnival with a few tweaks where suitable.

Rules for the host

Movie Club happens every month that has a host. At the beginning of the month, the host posts their chosen movie as a post on their site. The host then collects the submissions until the end of the month. After that, the host posts the summary of all interactions including links and sends them to the next month's host post.

The minimal qualifier for what every host would be accepting is that the blog posts are in English. The host can specify a broader range of submissions that they are willing to accept (like different media, formats or languages).

The main way of people submitting the post are webmentions. If your site does not support the webmentions, then the main way of submitting is the email. A host can also specify a different way to accept the submissions.

Ideally, when selecting a movie, take into account potential sensitivities of others, namely avoid picks that lean too heavily into something that may cause unease. As a very rough guide providing the BBFC & MPAA rating in your post, and a link to the Letterboxd listing for that movie to guide people as to where they are able to view the movie in their region.

Rules for the participants

Any rules the host has specified for their movie club take precedence. Otherwise, the rules defined below stand.

Once you have watched the selected movie, post something connected to the movie on your blog. This could be a simple watch post, a full review or a blog on your experience with the movie. The post should be written in the month the movie club is taking place - so between the posting of the selected movie and the last day of the month. Then, submit your submission to the host of this month.

Since this is an IndieWeb community, the main way of people submitting the post are webmentions. If the host site does not support the webmentions, then send them an email with the link.

The minimal qualifier for what every host will be accepting is that the blog posts are in English.


Started as based on the discussion in the 2024-07-14 Homebrew Website Club London/Europe.

See Also
