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A resumé or curriculum vitae (CV) is a document that represents a person's background and skills, commonly used to secure employment.
A resume lets you share your professional experience with the world. Portfolios and project pages serve as proof of technical expertise but for further information recruiters often look for a resume. Hosting a resume on your personal website makes your professional history readily available to those who may want to view it, such as prospective employers.
IndieWeb Examples
- (CV-like but described as life "experiences")
- Marked up using the h-resume draft microformat
- Uses CSS print media styles to create a version of the resume that can be easily printed
Jamie Tanna:
- Marked up using the h-resume draft microformat
- Uses CSS print media styles to create a version of the resume that can be easily printed, with slightly different content
Silo Examples
- Standard Resume allows one to import their LinkedIn data and present it as a .pdf or responsive web page.
- Has a silo version of the sentiment of POSSE on their homepage: "Create once. Share everywhere."
- Polywork, an expanded conceptualization of a resume or portfolio in closed beta in 2021. Example of UI: They also havebadges, for example:
- Perhaps one could include a link in their h-card to their resumé for further information?
- See brief commentary from chat on 2016-12-27 which includes some discussion of tagging posts to create a resumé archive of sorts.
Amy Guy apparently had a similar thought:
For years I relied on PDFs and LinkedIn to share my professional experiences. But I am of the Web. I can no longer live this lie.
I have backdated a series of blog posts containing the kind of information one might expect to find on a CV. They are all tagged with cv and resume (look, i18n) so you can use this to view them together in chronological order of start date. They also have other related tags, which you can use to explore each particular entry in more detail if I blogged about it at the time (which is hit and miss). It's not organised quite like a traditional CV, with things clustered into categories like 'education' or 'work experience' - as such, it's not very good for skimming - but I'm sure you'll cope.
As each entry is a normal post, people can reply to them (via webmention). I might solicit some references for certain positions and add them as replies. Feel free to also reply to this post with general recommendations. Take that, LinkedIn!
- Some have found it useful to publish an anti-CV
Spelling and pronunciation
résumé is the French spelling (and pronounciation) for the English word "resume" when pronounced resumé.[1]