Library implementations for IndieWeb was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2018.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indielib
Video: βΆοΈ 32:10s
IndieWeb Summit 2018
Session: Library implementations for IndieWeb #indielib
When: 2018-06-26 14:15
Livestream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vsQZTzOJbE
- Jacky AlcinΓ© (facilitator)
- Ryan Barrett
- jaredwhite.com
- Manton Reece
- Jason McIntosh
- Grant Richmond
- dougbeal
- Malcolm Blaney
- Jonathan LaCour
- Eddie Hinkle (remotely)
- ... add names
- REST Services
- Python
- MF2: github.com/cleverdevil/microformats2
- Auth:
- Micropub: https://github.com/kylewm/flask-micropub, https://github.com/cleverdevil/puny
- Ruby
- Node
- Micropub: client/server micropub-helper (https://github.com/grantcodes/micropub), micropub-endpoint (https://github.com/grantcodes/micropub-endpoint), https://github.com/voxpelli/node-micropub-express, https://www.npmjs.com/package/micropub-helper
- Microformats2 https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-node (node) https://github.com/glennjones/microformat-shiv (frontend)
- Webmentions https://www.npmjs.com/package/get-webmention-url https://www.npmjs.com/package/send-webmention https://www.npmjs.com/package/lazymention
- Glitch projects
- an IndieAuth authorization endpoint (clone of selfauth): https://glitch.com/~befitting-price
- micropub server implementation that writes to Neocities API: https://glitch.com/~prism-dirt
- Kapowski micropub client:
- php-mf2
- XRay
- Micropub: https://github.com/aaronpk/p3k-micropub
- Auth
- https://git.schmarty.net/schmarty/nginx-indieauth-request (require indieauth login for nginx paths)
- https://github.com/taproot/authentication
- Perl
- MF2: Web::Microformats2
- Webmention: Web::Mention
Session whiteboard (Larger sizes)