Attendee Introductions at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.
- Chat logs starting at 09:41 CET
Tantek Çelik, https://tantek.com
- Tantek is showing his theme switcher
- you can use the emoji in his sidebar to switch between normal mode and terminal mode
Aaron Parecki
Aaron Parecki, https://aaronparecki.com
- Recent feature: fun with emoji, profile picture might change to a different picture depending on the emoji used in the post.
Joschi Kuphal
Joschi Kuphal, https://jkphl.is
- Hasn't worked on his site for a while, it's typo3 based.
- Recent feature: Receiving RSVPs
Julie Anne Noying, https://julieannenoying.com
- Next up Julie, our photographer
- She has a Canon 6D, and a Canon 60D
- She's wearing an IWC tshirt 😛
Jan Sauer
- http://jansauer.de
- Has his website up now! (Was not in the demo in Berlin last week)
István Szmozsánszky
- https://flak.is
- Needs to get his website sorted out, lots of IW spirit ideas, even if they're not quite compatible.
- also has where.flak.is
- Wants to turn these cool things into IW compatible stuff
Sebastiaan Andeweg
Sebastiaan Andeweg https://seblog.nl
- He recently moved servers, it's invisible but still lots of work
- Micropub still works!
Rosemary Orchard
Rosemary Orchard, https://rosemaryorchard.com
- recently switched from Grav Wordpress
- added a map!
Daniel Pietzsch
- http://danielpietzsch.com
- Recently added dark mode
- Hosted on tumblr, but is keen to move somewhere else
- Would like to work on that this weekend
- http://sonniesedge.net
- Using Drupal, because she likes storing her own data
- uses human readable URLs for things, like sonniesadge.net/bookmarks for bookmarks
- Charlie likes Drupal, because it has great JSON options.
- shows her jsonapi endpoint
- Wants to make a static site of out her Drupal data,
- (Drupal is not fun to theme)
- wants to pick brains for information
- https://schepp.dev
- He has a domain! And notes in a trello board, but no website yet.
- Wants to set up a set on netlify
- He, and Charlie before him, want to use Eleventy
Jonas Voss
Jonas Voss, http://blog.verture.net
- First IndieWebCamp!
- His website works for him, though he wouldn't share it (I presume the CMS),
- also shows http://blog.voss.co, running on Known
- His challenge for this weekend: to import 12 year old blog posts into Known, and then perhaps to try and theme it
Zach Leatherman
- http://zachleat.com
- Makes Eleventy
- says "does not do IndieWeb stuff", tantek points out: "you have a site, that's indieweb"
Marc Thiele
- https://marcthiele.com
- Does not have a website! Does have a blog
- Marc is one of our organisers
- Probably had ownyourgram set up, it was showing his instagram posts