
From IndieWeb

Travel Data & Posts was a session at IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019.

Watch: ▶️45:39s

Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/comefly

IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2019
Session: Travel Data & Posts
When: 2019-05-11 15:00



  • Rosemary Orchard: I currently use Tripit which lets me collect trip information. I would like a way to share that data with people without them having to have a tripit account to view it. https://www.tripit.com/developer
  • Trips on Aaron Parecki’s site are collections of other posts: he creates an event (already exists) and adds other posts he had already made (like flight posts) to it as a collection.
  • aaronpk: is considering some sort of summary map view of all the posts in a trip collection
  • Would not want everything between two points in time to turn up in the same collection automatically because a blog post written/published may not be about the trip.
  • Dopplr
    • after a trip, Dopplr would look at your Flickr and match timestamps of photos with a place from your Dopplr plans
  • Nested events?
    • one encompassing "Europe" trip that has multiple trip posts inside that post
    • IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf, btconf, etc
    • then each of those could be event/trips too with further nested posts
  • Trips are like archive views, except the date range is arbitrary instead of based on the calendar dates
  • Monthly summary views

See Also