Known Open Collective Meeting
Known Open Collective was a session at IndieWeb Summit 2019.
Watch: ▶️ 47:41s
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/Known_Collective
Session: Known Open Collective at IndieWeb Summit 2019
When: 2019-06-30 09:00
Add your name, your Domain and what you are most excited to do with Known
- Jeremy Cherfas https:https://jstream.jeremycherfas.net Got to update son.
- Jonathan LaCour https://cleverdevil.io
- Paul Lindner https://1500wordmtu.com/
- Greg McVerry https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
- Marcus Povey https://www.marcus-povey.co.uk
- Intros
- Overview of the Open Collective
- Set the Agenda
- Marcus Povey has been “keeping the lights on” and moving closer and closer to 1.0, which he thinks we’re almost there.
- After discussing with Ben, Marcus would like to see a “slicker” experience building on top of the IndieWeb experience.
- Platform-agnostic way to link to and share with friends.
- Jonathan LaCour it will be valuable to share what they are working on next
- IndieAuth implementation has odd couple hiccups, and the storing of tokens
- blindly decides to issue new tokens when you reatuth with same tool, save the token and new
- Amen to that
- IndieAuth implementation has odd couple hiccups, and the storing of tokens
- Greg McVerry Full page builder for homepage, update to CSS Grid from CSS (willing to start)
- photo post needs an alt text
- Private family network
- See private posts
- micropub endpoint
- can my kids be members of each other site and then share webmentions privately back and forth
- Jeremy Cherfas Easier access to templating machines
- even thinking a universal theme editor for just fonts and colors
- Talk about Known as a Service.
- Moving from Bootstrap 3 to something more modern.
- Splitting templating from the engine (a suggestion from Marcus Povey) to enable things like React frontend on top of Known as a backend.
- Plugin Triage and testing
- I can test plugins and mark those that are no longer supported
- Question: Do we just remove those whose GitHub haven't been updated in ages
- I can test plugins and mark those that are no longer supported
- Jeremy Cherfas the backend is too complex
- Getting a working Known is too complex
- Jonathan LaCour suggested working with web hosts to provide 1-click installs and potentially creating something for the AWS Marketplace or Digital Ocean One-Clicks as a community to make it easier.
- Jeremy Cherfas pointed out his positive experience for “getting started” with Grav that enabled him to get started really quickly.
- Marcus Povey has been making positive progress on this front with leveraging Composer. It would be possible to leverage this work and the CLI for Known to smooth installation.
- Jeremy Cherfas wanted guidance on the documentation and how to contribute there. Currently, the ReadTheDocs documentation is the right approach, and the appropriate place to contribute
- Paul’s priorities
- Long-term goal is to have Known be his central repository of all of his “stuff.”
- Migrating his TypePad and LiveJournal content, Google Plus exports, etc.
- Discussed leveraging Micropub for migrations to benefit the larger IndieWeb ecosystem
- As a user, Paul would love better posting tools – being able to do scheduled posting, changing the publish date, etc,
- Paul is also working on updates for dependencies and a docker-compose update as well, which includes the ability to pull in plugins.
- Could potentially leverage the docker work to provide automated integration testing for plugins. We have a CI pipeline, but its underutilized.
- At 1.0, we should potentially require plugins to be Composer based.
Davidmead asked in chat about importing to Known
- Marcus acknowledged that it is a difficult problem.
- There are documented successful cases in the docs, but that is for mysql to mysql.
- General feeling seems to be that going via Micropub would be a better solution.