2021 IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf Planning was done on the main Planning page and has been archived on this page.
Part of:
From Planning
- placeholder for IWC Düsseldorf 2021!
Marc Thiele - working on venue
Joschi Kuphal - also running a11yclub 2021-11-10 12:00-16:00
Tantek Çelik - working with both ^^ to figure out details to make an IWC happen! (and likely go in person)
- ...
- still need: someone to help with remote participation setup
- Marc Thiele — does he think an adjacent IWC is a good idea, can he help with venue?
- yes and yes (
Tantek Çelik 2021-09-01)
- yes and yes (
- Joschi — does he think an adjacent IWC is a good idea, can he help run it?
- yes and yes (
Tantek Çelik 2021-09-14)
- yes and yes (
See Beyond Tellerrand Düsseldorf 2021 and https://beyondtellerrand.com/blog for updates
- 2021-11-08…10 dates appear confirmed for BT DUS, partial speaker program available.
Possible Dates:
- 2021-11-06…07 Saturday & Sunday before Beyond Tellerrand
- +1
Tantek Çelik: assuming the btconf is happening, 80%+ vaccination rates in Düsseldorf.
- +0
Marc Thiele: can help make this happen, but unlikely to be able to participate
- +0.5 Sven Knebel: obviously depending on how situation and variants evolve
- -1
Aaron Parecki: I have a flight booked that arrives in the late afternoon on the 6th
- +0.5
David Shanske - Neutral re btconf as have never attended. Agree with
Tantek Çelik's criteria for vaccination rates, also have to determine logistics. Still very nervous about resuming travel. Have questions that will have to be answered.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
- 2021-11-10…11 Wednesday 16:00-19:00 and Thursday create day after Beyond Tellerrand
- +1
Tantek Çelik: assuming the btconf is happening, 80%+ vaccination rates in Düsseldorf.
- +1
Marc Thiele: could actually participate
- +0.5 Sven Knebel: obviously depending on how situation and variants evolve
- +1
Aaron Parecki: Agreed with tantek's criteria
- +0.5
David Shanske - Neutral re btconf as have never attended. Agree with
Tantek Çelik's criteria for vaccination rates, also have to determine logistics. Still very nervous about resuming travel. Have questions that will have to be answered.
- +1
Joschi Kuphal - running a11yclub earlier that day (12-4pm) and can help co-organize & run IWC
- +1
Calum Ryan - around but also interested to attend a11yclub earlier that day.
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
- +1
Other adjacent events — unclear if we need to avoid or not:
- 2021-11-10 12:00-16:00 Accessibility Club run by
Joschi Kuphal
- 2021-11-11…12 performance.now() conference, Amsterdam (2hr train ride from Düsseldorf)
- If you are (considering) going, Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Next steps: (for organizer notes while we're figuring this out)
Marc Thiele: Confirm venue & venue details (e.g. number of breakout rooms, windows to open for ventilation)
Marc Thiele &
Joschi Kuphal maybe figuring out a spot nearby for the informal small gatherings the evening of 2021-11-10 (~19:00-20:00)
- Done: Contact Jules about possible photography opportunity for the IWC, had conflict.
- Find at least tentative remote participation support (volunteer or co-organizer)
- ...