2024/Düsseldorf/Projects were the projects people planned and worked on during IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf 2024 Create Day on 2024-05-12.
Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/createday
Tantek Çelik
David Shanske
JL Gatewood
Matthias Pfefferle
- Add yourself here… (see this for more details)
Please list what you're working on for Create day below
- proposed additions and updates to principles
- ✅ "Own your identity" proposal: principles#Own_your_identity
- ✳️ document some of the methodologies behind the principles and how we came up with them, considered them, iterated on them etc., perhaps in a Brainstorming subsection principles#Methodology that could be moved to its own page eventually
- in-progress: principles#Methodology
- ✳️ draft a set of developer-principles for retaining existing (and prior) developer-centric aspects of principles
- rewrite/reframe existing principles to be more user-centric rather than developer-centric, per 2018/Organizers#IndieWeb_principles_split_and_reorg discussion
Paul Robert Lloyd
- ✳️ Reviewing IndieWeb principles: User:Paulrobertlloyd.com/principles
- ✅ Updated image assets for WordPress plug-ins
Daniel Pietzsch
- ✅ Getting upcoming events from a public iCal calendar to show up on https://danielpietzsch.com
- ✅ Creating a iOS/iPadOS/watchOS shortcut to trigger my website build
- ✅ Improving event display on website (and improving website layout in general)
- Changed the ActivityPub avatar of my blog and wrote a small post about it
- Added hashtag support to my "status" page
- Started on a php client for pirateweather.net
David Shanske
- Update unit tests to complete dynamic rendering project for Micropub plugin. Reviewed by
Matthias Pfefferle on site.
- Refresh Syndication Links icons and deploy new version
- Add date based navigation to site via Tempus Fugit
- Create tool for making image maps
- Source code available at: https://github.com/capjamesg/image-map-maker
- Due to technical complexity (session management), it will not be available as a hosted tool.
- New https://pcarrier.com links:
- https://0pw.me
- https://1pw.me
- https://signali.ng awaiting feedback from WebRTC users
- ✅ add site caching module for static page creation to speed things up (ongoing and in testing now!)
- Continue investigating fediverse/bluesky bridge issue and how it could work with my site's commenting system
- add a proper photo-challenges section to my blog to present/archive challenges I participate in or initiate
- think about adding a "trips" section to present some of the trips we take in our RV
- make the "last week today" weekly post... that hasn't happened for the last month.
Matthias Pfefferle
- added a basic reply-context UI to the WordPress Gutenberg-/Block-editor
- experimented with an inline marker for reactions
- invented two new html elements (<like> and <reply>)
Project Collaboration
Collect similar / overlapping projects here, add a subheading for the project, then list collaborators in that subsection.