
From IndieWeb

Personal Website Demos at IndieWebCamp San Diego 2024.

TODO: add video once archived



Venue today is provided by Burn All Books https://www.babandfriends.com/ who are a Riso publisher, creative space, Zine archive space https://www.babandfriends.com/scannners

Thanks to benji for providing great stickers designed by Nick Simson https://github.com/indieweb/branding/issues/17

Thanks to all who traveled to get here today and joining remotely

Intros and Personal Site Demos



  • Tantek Γ‡elik, https://tantek.com
  • practices putting as much content on his site first instead of large social media or even mastodon
  • even Github issues, comments, and likes

Peter Kaminski

Anthony Ciccarello

David Shanske

  • David Shanske, https:.//david.shanske.com - Main site including indieweb stuff
  • https://www.gadgetwisdom.com - Technie stuff(not indieweb tech) ++
  • Managing the A/V for this event (THANKS DAVID!!!)
  • WordPress Plugins, and also working on ClassicPress


Al Abut

  • Al Abut, https://alabut.com & http://alabut.com/writing/
  • On the web since 1990s - many iterations, blog, portfolio, not as much lately
  • Feels a pull for photography and retro-analog tech / DSLR photography
  • Coupled with photography and cycling
  • Startup experience as Product / Designer / UX / Flash Developer / "DESIGNER"
  • Creativity is working on the code too, learning some JS, inflection - next product might be React and Next.js apps

gRegor Morrill


Remote Attendees


  • Angelo Gladding, https://ragt.ag - always experimenting on it!
  • Working on pages more than posts . Putting Python in pages.
  • Open enough for creative use - python on dynamic pages
  • One pager websites that do a log


  • benji, https://benji.dog
  • If you go to it right now, you'll soon be enveloped in snow. If screen goes all white, it's a feature not a bug.
  • Posts mostly movies and book watches/reviews
  • Doing December Adventure this year
    • Alternative to Advent of Code, "December Adventure" is write a little code every day"
  • Sparkles Micropub client https://sparkles.sploot.com/


  • Pablo Morales, https://lifeofpablo.com
  • Based in SF. Postss about photography, write, experiment with different things. Lists of things, get song recommendations
  • Currently redoing the site moving from PHP to Javascript. Been using Datenstrom Yellow https://datenstrom.se/yellow/ for flat file site, wants to build his own thing

See Also