real-time interactions

From IndieWeb

real-time interactions are the display of interactions on a view of a post (typically on its permalink) as they are received by the post (presumably via webmention), without needing any explicit user reloading, refreshing, or any other tapping/clicking etc.

Typical real-time interactions include:

IndieWeb Examples

Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki uses p3k on post permalinks to show since 2013-10-13:

Pelle Wessman

Pelle Wessman uses A WebMention Endpoint on to show, update and remove since 2014-12-07:

Silo Examples

Real-time interactions are a silo innovation.


Facebook was perhaps the first silo to implement real-time interactions since 2012(?) at least, on both post permalinks, and sometimes on posts in a stream or in a collection. In particular, both:


Twitter, as of their mid-2014 front-end redesign, now supports (sometimes) showing real-time interactions on tweet permalinks:

  • real-time likes (favorites in particular - seen once 2014-10-21, but then not when window wasn't frontmost, nor when re-activated)
  • real-time comments (@-replies - seen previously)


  • real-time reposts (retweets in particular - presumably since their display is very similar to favorites, yet a retweet on an item that showed a real-time favorite, did not itself show up).

See Also