The Social Network

From IndieWeb
(Redirected from social network trailer)

The Social Network is a movie about the origins of Facebook, released in 2010, whose trailer (first minute of) was shown as part of the Introduction session at the first IndieWebCamp in 2011.


Features shown

Summary in order of when first shown:

  1. photo post
  2. Comment link/webaction in context of a post
  3. RSVP yes post
  4. Add as Friend button/webaction
  5. create UI text field with options to attach photo, video, event (possibly date?), location
  6. Like link/webaction in context of a post
  7. likes summary in context of a post
  8. relationship-status display and update
  9. Confirm and Ignore buttons (presumably in response to a friend request)
  10. note (brief, plain text) post creating on someone's wall ("Where are you?")
  11. note (status update) post creating "This day sucks!"

By time index:

  • 0:17 photo post with "Comment" link/webaction
  • 0:18 RSVP yes "Going to…" with "Comment" link
  • 0:20 photo with caption "So excited…"
  • 0:22 Add as Friend button
  • 0:23 photo "I have…"
  • 0:24 create UI text field with prompting text "What’s on your mind?" and option to attach a photo, video, event (possibly date?), location. Prompting text disappears upon activation of the text field.
  • 0:26 photo "i've got m…" with "Comment" link
  • 0:28 photo with "Comment • Like" links/webactions, and likes summary "👍 2 people like this." which itself appears to be a button (perhaps to view list of people)
  • 0:29 relationship-status displayed with label "Relationship Status:" and shown changing from "Single" to "In a Relationship"
  • 0:32 photo (wedding couple, presumably related to previous) with "Comment • Like" links
  • 0:32 photo (adult holding a reclined baby's feet, presumably related to previous) with "Comment" link
  • 0:34 photo
  • 0:35 Confirm and Ignore buttons (presumably in response to a friend request)
  • 0:37 note creating on another person's wall with typing of "Where are you?"
  • 0:38 photo "Trust m…" with "Comment" link
  • 0:41 photo "Celebra…" with "Comment" link
  • 0:42 note creating with typing of "This day sucks!"
  • 0:43 photo (person in hospital bed, presumably related to previous) with "Comment" link
  • 0:45 photo (girl hugging a cat with a bunny ears hat) with "Comment • Like" links
  • 0:46 photo (couple on bench with 🏯 Japanese castle in background) with "Comment • Like" links
  • 0:42 create UI text field with typing of ":)"
  • 0:51 (profile?) photo (character of Mark Zuckerberg in the movie) with "Comment • Like" links



(this section is a stub, feel free to help out)

Summary in order of when features are first shown in the movie itself:

  1. ...

By time index:

  • ...

See Also