
From IndieWeb

create in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note, or more broadly creating anything on or for your personal site! See also:

Specific types of create UIs:

Related: creator, someone who is creating UI, design, code for their own site.

IndieWeb Examples

Barnaby Walters

Barnaby Walters hosts a public Taproot creation interface:

For screenshots see:

Aaron Parecki

Aaron Parecki is the creator of Quill.

Notes and Photos


To bookmark a page (create a bookmark post on his own site), Aaron uses:

  • a bookmarklet to activate with the URL to bookmark pre-filled in
  • quill uses micropub to
  • create a bookmark post on his site.

(screenshot needed)

Previously, Aaron's software included a creation interface. Old screenshots can be seen at p3k-v1.

Tom Morris

Main article: Ferocity#Posting_UI

Tom Morris uses Ferocity on with the following note creation interface since 2013-03-25 (or perhaps earlier)

  • The circle-in-circle is for geolocation: clicking it on uses the browser geolocation API to set the location of the post.
  • The tickbox for Twitter lets him decide whether to syndicate the post to Twitter or not.


Jeena's posting interface (project unnamed)

Jeremy Keith

adactio notes

Since 2014-05-27, Jeremy Keith's note creation UI ("simple update form") on his home page when he's logged into his site


and adactio photos

On 2014-07-05 he added the ability to attach a photo to a note, as a way to do simple photo posts (which POSSEd to both Twitter and Flickr

You can barely see the UI with the addition of a "Choose File" HTML file input, in the second window on his laptop screen here in this photograph:

Jeremy Keith's laptop with a window of code in the foreground and his home page with posting UI in a window behind it.

per silo POSSE toggles

He then subsequently ~2014-10-01 added the ability to selectively (per post) toggle POSSEing to Twitter and/or Flickr (both default on).


Jeremy has also open sourced these animated sliding toggles:

Calm Technology is a topic focused indieweb site by Amber Case that runs WordPress and P2.


Note the simple one big text box with big "Post it" button as the focus of the UI, with minor optional elements to add media and tags, all inline above the most recent posts for context.

gRegor Morrill

gRegor Morrill posts notes using this interface. For more information, see his ongoing notes documentation.


Martijn van der Venโ€™s posting UI: demoed at IWC Nรผrnberg.


Main article: mobile create

Mobile note creation is particularly challenging for various reasons:

  • less reliable network (thus possible loss of user data if depending on JS / AJAX)
  • smaller displays (less space to see what you're typing)
  • touch keyboards (clumsier / less accurate than physical tactile keyboard)

Silo Examples


Facebook, at the top of your profile/wall "timeline" presents a UI for creating a new post with three explicit post-type options:

  • Status | Photo/Video | Life Event

With "Status" chosen by default, and the prompting text: "What's on your mind?"

This is a big simplification from their past create UIs that had various post types explicitly differentiated in the UI like checkin, link/bookmark, etc.

FB activate create

If you activate the text area (where the default text is), new options are provided below it:

The icons represent (and show as tooltip text if you hover)

  • "Add photos to your post"
  • "Tag people in your post"
  • "Add what you're doing or how you're feeling"
  • "Add a location to your post" (auto-filled with a city name, and showing a close box to remove)
  • "Set date and time of your post"
  • Who should see this? Public, Friends, Only Me (default), Custom, school, company1, company2, ... companyN

FB Text size auto-adjust

The text area has a variable text size that depends on how long the status update you are creating is.

FB Life Event

Selecting "Life Event" expands the create box into a set of categories to choose from:

  • Work & Education, Family & Relationships, Home & Living, Health & Wellness, Travel & Experience

FB reselect status

If you now reselect "Status" - it activates the text field, and shows the same status options as noted above.

FB create bgcolor

When creating from the home page instead of your profile (n.b. I found this true from profile also - Tantek ร‡elik), the interface is slightly different. It also includes an option to select background color. After clicking "Background Color" you have several color options to choose:

After choosing a color, the background changes in the window:

FB create new feature

Sometimes Facebook adds a new feature to their create UI, and notifies you with a little blue mini-overlay:

Facebook Events

Main article: create event:Facebook

Noticeably absent from the above create UI is anything to do with creating events (the kind you invite people to).

Event creation UI is only present contextually, when viewing your events or your calendar.

  • ->

    [ + Create Event ] [ โœ๏ธ ]

    buttons (the pencil button is for "Manage" - not sure what that means
  • ->

    [ + Create ]

    button in the left column

Clicking "+Create [Event]" presents a dialog to enter event details:

After the initial event has been created, the edit event UI does include an option to select an existing photo. Read more on edit#Facebook_Events.

Event public/private options:

  • Private Event with "Guests can invite friends" (default)
  • Private Event - only hosts can invite friends
  • Public Event - anyone can view it, even without being logged in

For more details, including issues, duplicate event which itself can cause cryptic errors like "Something went wrong", "Warning Slow Down", and having events created despite error messages, see:

Google Calendar

Google Calendar has the ability to create an event from brief plain text like expressions like "Dinner tomorrow night" โ€” need a citation / documentation of actual plain text expressions supported by Google Calendar.

Amazon Reviews

Amazon Reviews provides a UI to create reviews about products. It begins by prompting you to choose a star rating, and then progressively adds fields as you complete each step.


LinkedIn has a publishing interface for posting articles. It supports adding the following elements:

  • upload a cover image
  • headline
  • post body, prompting with "Write here. Add images or a video for visual impact."

The content section allows simple formatting options:

  • header level: 1, 2, 3
  • bold, italic, underline
  • numbered and bullet lists
  • blockquotes
  • hyperlinks


Suggest better prose

Ideally a text-entry box would auto-suggest ways to improve your prose.


Some of the above #IndieWeb_Examples have photo post creation UIs inline, typically as extensions to note creation UIs.

This section is for brainstorming about photo-centric creation UIs.

Brainstorming of UIs to create photo posts.

See: photo upload for the process/challenges of uploading a photo to your server.

UI flow

A possible UI flow for a low-perceived-latency photo post creation experience:

  1. user chooses photo to post. web app immediately starts uploading it to the server in the bg.
  2. user filters / crops the photo. web app captures the sequence of filter/crop instructions, and when the user is "done" editing, web app sends that instruction sequence to the server.
  3. server applies the filter/crop on its end
  4. user adds person-tags, text content (caption) etc.
  5. user taps "post" or whatever, and only that text is left to send, everything else is already at the server, and the post appears *immediately*

You could maintain the sequence of filter/crop instructions purely as CSS filter and crop (width, height, object-fit:cover, object-position) properties and values, using them to display the image clientside, and serve that CSS from the server to make people's browsers do that filtering/cropping for you so you don't have to actually use ImageMagick or other server-side image manipulation software.


  • Actual amount of metadata required for correct microformats markup is minimal but often the number of file systems required by many OSS CMS solutions complicate the workflow.
  • Having a writing UI that just accepted plain HTML and required the user to include microformats2 maybe a an attractive use case.
  • Would need to know how much templating to include, top level h*?
  • Would want to be able to parse urls for some post types likes, bookmarks, etc

Applying Filters

Here are some libraries/resources to apply filters to images:

The CSS Filter feature allows you to do all sorts of image manipulation effects on images:

Thoughts about Tumblr editor

Offline create edit queue posts

Use-case: offline blog post writing site/app on an iPad

Native app equivalent: the built-in iOS Notes app can be used to write, save, expand drafts until they have enough content/structure to start marking them up, adding relevant images etc


Brainstorm design:

  • with a Service Worker, it should be possible to create a Notes-app like UI with a website where you could 100% edit/save offline and when you happened to reconnect to a network, "sync" with your own server
  • that alone would be so useful that it must already exist, like with as clean a UX as Notes app (CSS to imitate that really shouldn't be that difficult). and I mean "simple" text notes, not all the fancy objects and crap they've added the past few years
  • having "Publish" be a distinct separate action which then "froze" the note and queued for publishing would be great. of course with the whole life cycle of letting you auto-unfreeze the note to keep editing it (obviously pulled off the publishing queue as well)
  • when you happen to connect to the network again, it could auto-micropub publish the queued notes
  • enhancement to set a publishing "time window" say if you only wanted the notes auto-published during your personal daylight hours. and enhance that with Buffer-like specific publication time queuing (AKA scheduled post)

See Also