
From IndieWeb
(Redirected from 2015-summary)

2015 review is a list of indieweb and indiewebcamp accomplishments for all of 2015, as well as indieweb related news in 2015.

THIS IS VERY MUCH A WORK IN PROGRESS. Please help by adding to the below sections, and adding whole sections from 2014-review!

IndieWeb Examples

Blog what you got done on your personal indieweb site in 2015, and add a link here!

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Last year's grid of everyone who went to an IndieWebCamp looked great - let's make another one for 2015.

Grid of all the people who attended *any* 2015 IndieWebCamp from the Guest_List pages, with their names and domain names underneath their photos - everything linked to their domain.

IN PROGRESS. Please add yourself if you participated in an IndieWebCamp in 2015, and feel free to add all others from any IndieWebCamp 2015 Guest List as well!

Please also help with ordering alphabetically by fullname - helps to avoid duplicates!

Aakriti Shroff aakritishroff.com

Aaron Parecki aaronparecki.com

Adeline Gil your domain

Alex Kearney alexkearney.com

Alex Linsker alexlinsker.com

Alex Stobart No URL provided

Alison Austin No URL provided

Amanda MacLean amandamaclean.com

Aminata Ndiaye & Guest your domain

Amy Guy rhiaro.co.uk

Andi Galpern www.facebook.com/andigalpern

andrea rota mey.vn

Andy Dennis dennisimo.com

Angela P. Ricci gericci.me

Ashley Nye ashleynye.co.uk

Auli Kütt kirilind.me

Barry Frost barryfrost.com

Bastian Allgeier bastianallgeier.com

Ben Goering bengo.is

Ben Roberts ben.thatmustbe.me

Ben Werdmuller werd.io

Benjamin Goering bengo.is

Benjamin Melançon mlncn.withknown.com

Benjamin Parry benjamin.parry.is

Benjamin Young bigbluehat.com

Bradley Allen bradleyallen.info

Bret Comnes bret.io

Bryan Richter chreekat.net

Bryn Wölfka loveiswhoweare.com

Calum Ryan calumryan.com

Cassie Traun cassie.wtf

Charles Reid www.charlesreid1.com

Charlotte Jackson www.lottejackson.com

Chris Buck butterwell.exploratori.us

Christophe Ducamp christopheducamp.com

Damien Senger hiwelo.co

Dan Feidt hongpong.com

Daniel Pietzsch www.danielpietzsch.com

Danny Spitzberg No URL provided

Darius Dunlap dunlaps.net

David Shanske david.shanske.com

Daz Mothersele www.darrenmothersele.com

Despoina Karna No URL provided

Dora indiewebcat.com

Dustin Younse dustin.younse.com

elf Pavlik wwelves.org/perpetual-tripper

Emma Kuo notenoughneon.com

Erin jo Richey erinjorichey.com

Ewan Klein raw-text.io

Francesco fran.fi

François Kooman tuxed.net/fkooman

Frederic Hemberger frederic-hemberger.de

Frederic Marx fmarx.de

Frederick Hirsch fjhirsch.com

Freya No URL provided

Geng Lyu No URL provided

Giulia Alfonsi giugee.com

Glenn Jones glennjones.net

Gordon Gray kim.gorzilla.co.uk

Grant Richmond grant.codes

gRegor Morrill gRegorLove.com

Guido Hoermann guidohoermann.com

Guillermo Martinez martinsgraphic.com

Hamish Hutchings hamhut1066.com

Harry Reeder www.harryreeder.co.uk

Hesam Bahrami http://gilgaz.com

Ian Devlin iandevlin.com

J. Gregory McVerry your domain

James Baster jarofgreen.co.uk

Jan Sauer jansauer.de

Jason Garber sixtwothree.org

Jeena Paradies jeena.net

Jeff Graham jgraham909.com

Jennifer Rondeau yourmom.io

Jeremy Keith adactio.com

Jesse Vincent s.ly

Jim Groom bavatuesdays.com

Johannes Dachsel johannesdachsel.com

Johannes Ernst upon2020.com

John Ellison john-ellison.com

Jon Eric Benson jonericbenson.com

Jon Pincus achangeiscoming.net

Joschi Kuphal jkphl.is

Joseph Fraley joefraley.com

Josh Harrington joshharrington.co.uk

judith mayer No URL provided

Justin Avery justinavery.me

Jörg Morsbach anatom5.de

Kara Murphy www.facebook.com/karaemurphy

Kathryn Strauss No URL provided

Katie Conforti katieconforti.com

Kawandeep Virdee your domain

Kegan Dougal No URL provided

Kevin Marks kevinmarks.com

Kit Barnes www.kitb.pw

Kurtis Hanna sensible.mn

Kyle Mahan kylewm.com

LA Rafael https://opensourcespecialist.co.uk/

Laci White No URL provided

Lennon Day-Reynolds rcoder.net

Lewis Nyman lewisnyman.co.uk

Lillian Karabaic www.anomalily.net

Linnea Olsen www.lilylionheart.se

Lowell Mower No URL provided

Lukas Rosenstock lukasrosenstock.net

Marc Hinse siebennull.com

Marc Thiele marcthiele.com

Mark Norman Francis marknormanfrancis.com

Mary Anne Thygesen maryannedata.com

Michaela Lehr ahoy.fischaelameer.de

Mike Sugarbaker gibberish.com

Naomi Rubin www.naomirub.in

Nathan Stonestrom No URL provided

Nick Jennings silverbucket.net

Nicolai Schwarz nicolaischwarz.de

Nina Cornwall No URL provided

Nolan MacGregor No URL provided

Paul Lloyd paulrobertlloyd.com

Paul Munday paulmunday.net

Paul Tibbetts https://paultibbetts.uk

Paul Tran-Van No URL provided

Paulo de Sousa No URL provided

Peixue Li No URL provided

Peter Molnar petermolnar.eu

Philip Igbaro No URL provided

Randall Leeds randall.bleeds.info

Raymond Lapin proflapin.wordpress.com/

Renate Hermanns css-manufaktur.de

Richard Brammer richardbrammer.de

Richard Rozewski your domain

River mm0hai.net

Robert Brook robert-brook.com

Rogier Schoenmaker killerog.com

Roman Stranghöner nischenwerk.de

Rosa Fox www.rosa-fox.com

Ryan Barrett snarfed.org

Saloni Vyas No URL provided

Sandro Hawke w3.org/People/Sandro

Sarah Joy Calpo themostawful.com

Sascha Reeka saschareeka.de

Sean Niesen seanniesen.com

Sebastian Kippe sebastian.kip.pe

Shane Caraveo shane.caraveo.com

Shane Hudson shanehudson.net

Shaun Giudici giudici.us

Shawn Eisenach www.wholewheattoast.com

Stefan Auditor audiens.de

Steffen Rademacker webgefrickel.de

Steph Duncker No URL provided

Steven Schneider No URL provided

Tabea David justonestep.de

Tantek Çelik tantek.com

Tatiana Ugriumova No URL provided

Tigo tigo.rhiaro.co.uk

Tim Owens timowens.io

Tim Retout retout.co.uk

Timon Walshe-Grey yellowrabbitapps.co.uk

Tom Morris https://tommorris.org

Tony Goncharuk No URL provided

Travis Wellman wavis.org

Trevor Scandalios www.trevorscandalios.com

Tristan Bailey holdingbay.co.uk

Tyson Vanover tyson.vanoverhill.com

Valerie Hanesse No URL provided

Yaqin Mao No URL provided

Zack Fischmann zackfischmann.com



Record Numbers of Things


2015/ had one more in-person IndieWebCamp than 2014:

Homebrew Website Club

(Get info from Homebrew Website Club page re: # of days, # of cities, and details for each)

2015 was the second full year of the Homebrew Website Club (HWC), met on ??? days across ??? cities: San Francisco, Portland, New York, Brighton, Göteborg, Malmö, Edinburgh (how to sort these?)

Welcome to our new regular Homebrew Website Club chapters!

  • Brighton started 2015-08-12 and held ??? meetups.
  • Göteborg started 2015-07-29[1] and held 9 meetups!
  • Malmö started 2015-08-26 and held 3 meetups!
  • Edinburgh started 2015-08-13 and held ??? meetups.
  • A few more pop-up New York meetups were held (????-??-??)
  • ...


2015 had good press coverage of IndieWebCamp and the IndieWeb as a whole. Most notably:

  • ... ???

See more articles about the IndieWeb in 2015.


2015 had several IndieWeb related talks being given at conferences by community members. Here are a few of them ranging from introductory to technical:

  • ????-??-??
  • ...


Other Years

See Also