Display of tracking data was a session at IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019.
Notes archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/display
IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019
- Session: Display of tracking data
- When: 2019-10-19 14:00
- Video: βΆοΈ 41:46s
- Rosemary Orchard
- Martijn van der Ven
- Aaron Parecki
- Jeremy Keith
- Sebastiaan Andeweg
- Peter Molnar
- Sven Knebel
- Mark Everitt
- Chris Bromley
- Jack T...
- How should we track data, how to store, how to display?
- Should it be static?
- It's easier to do things client-side. Javascript libraries are very good in this these days. -> drawing images / lines.
- Downloading maps / tiles is often not allowed. This makes it harder to do stuff server-side (Caching is sometimes allowed)
- Javascript is pulled in at the client, and that's allowed.
- But it's a third party that you're loading in
- Martijn is using Javascript to draw his weight graph. The data itself is in the HTML, as a table. The Javascript is just looking in the table and rendering the map, so it's a progressive enhancement. https://gionkunz.github.io/chartist-js/
- Rosemary Orchard has use Chart.js before https://www.chartjs.org/
- gpx and kml are both XML... could they be transformed with XSLT on the fly to become dynamic maps?
- Aaron Parecki also wants to talk about daily summaries of his data.
- All the data he has now, is bound to a post.
- This way he's never going to do steps, because he does not want a post per step, and he does not want the steps posted in batches, because there is no real batch-size.
- Should this data go to his day-overview-pages?
- Is this a post, that is sticked on the top of the day-overview-page?
- Or is this an element on that page, that just lists data?
- Extra complication: he travels a lot between timezones, so some days are much longer or shorter than usual.
- Jeremy Keith shows four different summaries of his archives:
- List of posts on the month
- Circles on a graph
- graph of posts as a line
- even audio!
WordPress has day/month archives, but the data isn't aggregated by anything right now. WordPress stores data in key/value pairs based on the WordPress geodata format. https://codex.wordpress.org/Geodata Simple Location, written by David Shanske stores in this format on all WordPress objects and displays them.
Peter Molnar shows https://logstalgia.io/ for getting visuals out of an apache access log - just as potential inspiration for, say, end of the year video summaries
- Rosemary Orchard is thinking about throwing data into Grafana (https://grafana.com/)
- how do you combine data of different sources? e.g. from Compass or other tracking devices.
- Aaron Parecki has logic in his micropub endpoint to get location data from Compass into his posts.
- Peter Molnar stores metadata about photo's in the photo files itself (using EXIF metadata).
- Aaron Parecki's monthly overview has all the location data in microformats, so it would be possible to parse those into GeoJSON and then make a map out of it.
- Aaron Parecki is thinking about using his new unlisted posts feature to store listening history from last.fm, so as not to clutter his timelines
- Sven Knebel brought up the ideaof moving "tag-cloud" (treemap) visualisation for music data to show how listening to artists/albums/songs change through time