Profile Pages were two sessions at IndieWebcamp Online 2019.
Notes archived from https://etherpad.indieweb.org/profiles
IndieWebCamp Online 2019: Session: Profile Pages Part 1
When: 2019-03-08 22:00 UTC
Eddie has recently updated his homepage to include more of a profile.
Grant thinking of who.is.grant.codes
Canonical h-cards are a thing
https://github.com/github/personal-website is a github repo that can be forked to create a basic profile site (example: https://0sk4r.github.io/ )
Can you choose what to display on Mastodon/ActiviyPub profiles?
Profile pages as a service:
- carrd.co
- about.me
Passive / active updates:
- Depends on the data you show
- Something like current location / mood would update a lot, but your name is probably not going to change much
Different styles of profiles:
- long articles
- dashboard style with various statuses (current location, last watched, projects etc...)
- Single about me sentence
IndieWebCamp Online 2019: Session: Profile Pages Part 2
When: 2019-03-09 16:00 UTC
- What is the difference between profile and about me?
- Who you are and What you are doing are often two different use cases
- Eddie likes About pages but not in the palce of a profile page. I see them as two different thins
- About history of you
- Profile (I am married, but about me I was single)
- Profile = currency and About Me = History
Greg McVerry
- https://chriscoyier.net
- Choose the length of bio and the writing style
- https://adactio.com/about/myself/
- Do you have a program/speaker blurb or is the about page used for that?
Eddie Hinkle is turning his homepage into a profile
Martijn van der Ven isn't sure how to add more "about" blurb text
Jacky AlcinΓ© has a seperate press page
Rosemary Orchard would like it to be her homepage
- https://jacky.wtf/press/
- http://kevo.glass/aboutme.html
- Going to break up into details and summary
- wonders if I can seperate them into different grid cells left and right and not just verticallly..
- Postmark App changes the profile photo every time you load the person's page
- Based on the referrer
- If they come from a search engine introduce yourself
- If they come from a friend's website (say aaronpk.com), explain how you know that person (Aaron) and show some interesting posts that they might like if they liked Aaron's posts.
- Looking at Facebook Profiles they have some interesting things
- They have a stats area in the top left
- They have 9 recent photos
- 9 friends that might be in common
- 6 "did you know" questions that they have answered that you might find interesting.