Codeless automation tools and the indieweb + How webmentions and the web work was a session at IndieWebCamp West 2020.
Watch: βΆοΈ 1:02:06s
Notes archived from etherpad: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/webmentions-and-automation
IndieWebCamp West 2020
Session: Codeless automation tools and the indieweb + How webmentions and the web work
When: 2020-06-27 13:15
- Introduction about http and web technologies underlying the Webmentions spec for beginners
- IFTTT, Zapier, Integromat, etc - how can they be useful for us, who is using for them, and for what
- discussion on using these tools for indieweb purposes, such as syndication, PESOS, etc
- benefits and drawbacks
- personal experiences with these services
- demos, if anyone can provide one
- automatinator (tribute to -inators, as in machines doing the thing)
Peter Molnar
- Ana Ulin
- David Bryant
Ryan Barrett
- Joseph Dickson
Greg McVerry
Scott Gruber
Tantek Γelik
Peter is doing a screen share to show https://www.integromat.com/ to show how how an RSS feed as a source of truth goes through a number of steps how.
An exported JSON that can be imported into integromat.com is available at: integromat-petermolnar.json
1. have a URL like an RSS feed 2. Method: HTTP Get request - Sends push notification to a phone 3. filter out photos and notes (everything in the rss feed with an enclosure is a photo or category doesn't not contain notes. 4. ping Bridgy for flickr. make a requests and a push request.
Bridgy trigger is a webmention. webhook is a generic term for a service that is doing something for you. sends an HTTP Request. Webmention is a specific kind of requests.
Here's a link for how Chris Aldrich leverages RSS feeds and IFTTT to create posts from a variety of social media sites to his website using micropub. If you've got a micropub plugin or set up, it requires little code, and what code it does can be cut and pasted and pieces can be logically replaced:
Similar high level call to action: https://snarfed.org/2019-07-19_37909
DIfference between automation on the web (e.g. adjacent to browser) vs automation from your OS (e.g. adjacent to your desktop experience -> Alfred, Hazel, etc)
Bridgy has open requests to add 28 different new silos: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22new+silo%22 . Realistically, most of those will never get implemented. But they could, in a no code tool! Ryan would happily help anyone who wants to try, just ping him. Background: https://snarfed.org/backfeed-without-code
See Also
- 2020/West/Schedule
- IFTTT https://ifttt.com/ (when these get copied to the wiki, they should autolink, but thatnks for urls for the interim :)
- Integromat https://www.integromat.com/
- Zapier https://zapier.com/
- Transposit https://www.transposit.com/
- Airtable, Bubble, Webflow, ...
- On local devices like phones: Shortcuts on iOS, Tasker (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.dinglisch.android.taskerm&hl=en) etc on Android, Automate ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.llamalab.automate ) on Android
https://threadreaderapp.com/ https://ia.net/writer https://indieweb.org/Micropub https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Servers https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Clients
Links to various steps for indieweb steps https://indiewebify.me/
- not just the web based services, but the OS level ones are similar - they could easily be used as, for example micropub clients
- silos are adding surprising features, like micropub
For what it's worth I'm taking breif notes and thoughts at. Nothing in detail more like idle thoughts. https://www.linuxbookpro.com/codeless-automation-tools-and-the-indieweb-how-webmentions-and-the-web-works/
- the vocabulary of our tech stack is confusing. A generic cheat-sheet could be useful (what's a webhook? what's a micropub? etc) Indieweb site has a wiki with documentation of these different terms.
- android app Indigenous can be a source for WordPress via micropub
hibs would like to connect fully static / handcrafted services to other sites
- she also described webmentions for Hexo
Chris Aldrich's Youtube Tutorial (Wordpress Indieweb) https://youtu.be/ZsPjdk2-m68